Strangers on a Train is a monthly reading series, hosted by the snəw̓eyəɬ leləm̓ / Langara College English department, devoted to creating dialogue between writers and writing groups that would not typically interact with one another. Each event features writers from a variety of genres and backgrounds: from spoken word to highbrow prose – the up-and-coming, the student, and the venerable. The goal of the series is to encourage discussion and promote collaboration within Vancouver’s diverse literary community (or with members of other Canadian literary communities).
All events are free to attend and are open to the public.
Next Reading:
Our upcoming reading will feature Langara's 2025 writer in residence, Jasmine Sealy.
Join us on Tuesday, January 28th at 7:00pm on campus at Langara in room A122B or streamed over Zoom (Meeting ID: 663 7023 7316)
Join the Facebook event for updates.
Featuring readings by:
- Jasmine Sealy (The Island of Forgetting)
- Raoul Fernandes (Transmitter and Receiver)
Harman Burns (Langara student; Yellow Barks Spider)
Lyra Fenger (Langara student)
Upcoming Readings:
- Tuesday, February 25th @ 7:00pm
- Tuesday, March 25th @ 7:00pm
For more information contact Thor Polukoshko ( or Daniel Poirier (, or follow Langara English on Facebook.