Welcome to the Mental Health Ambassador program! Mental Health Ambassadors participate in promoting mental health and well-being to Langara students and running outreach events and initiatives for the Langara student community. Mental Health Ambassadors increase the emotional and psychological well-being of the student population and act as a bridge between student services and students. Ambassadors support education and well-being events on campus for Langara students as well as participate in campus events like Talking Tuesdays,Thriving Thursdays,Midterm Power Up!,De-Stress Fest,and others.

Upcoming Mental Health Ambassador Well-being Events

Learn from your peers about mental well-being and student success strategies! Our Mental Health Ambassadors (students just like you) will be hosting public events around campus.  Each event has a well-being theme.

January & February 2025 Programing: Stop by any of our events most Tuesdays & Thursdays and meet our friendly student Mental Health Ambassadors. Read below for details! 

Talking Tuesdays: You Talk, We Listen! Come talk to our student Mental Health Ambassadors about anything that is on your mind | 11:30am-1:30pm

January 14, 28 | Location: Library Foyer

February 4, 25 | Location: LSU Upper Lounge 

Thriving Thursdays: Learn from the Mental Health Ambassadors about various mental health & well-being topics 

Most Thursdays | 11:30am-1:30pm | A Foyer

January 16 | Topic: What is MHA?  Interested in volunteering with MHA, sign up and learn more! 

January 23 | Topic: Positive Psychology: Ever wonder how to be happier? Learn research based strategies on how 

January 30 | Topic: Chronotypes: Are you a night owl or early bird? Learn about your Chronotype & other sleep tips  

February 6 | Topic: Self Compassion: Join MHA to make your own personalized self-compassion button 

February 13 | Topic: Procrastination: Learn the 5 Minute Technique to help you to stop procrastinating

February 27 | Topic: Name it to Tame It: This simple, science based technique helps you to calm negative thoughts & intense emotions 

February 11 | Speed Friending: Mark you calendars for this fun social event!  Break the ice, spark conversations, and discover new friendships! Speed Friending is a fast-paced, fun-filled event designed to help you connect with link-minded people in no time. 

2:30pm-4:30pm | LSU Upper Lounge 

On and Off Campus Mental Health and Well-being Resources for Students

If you need help or have a question, there is almost always a service on campus or someone who knows where to get help. The challenge is finding where. Please visit this website for a list of resources