What we do 

The Langara College Office of Integrated Planning and Accountability (formerly Institutional Research) gathers and analyzes data for use in institution and system-wide policy formation, strategic planning, decision making, assessment, and accountability activities. We provide business intelligence analytics, data, and research to support the Langara community in a wide variety of areas, including executive decision making, enrolment management, academic planning and review, and student success and engagement. 

This office assists in the maintenance of clean and usable data for the internal community and is responsible for the quality of data shared with the Ministry of Post Secondary Education and Future Skills and other external agencies through the British Columbia Central Data Warehouse. We work with external and governmental agencies on research and data-sharing projects that track student success through the B.C. educational system and beyond. 

Major projects include:

Langara at a Glance is a data viewer that displays Regular Studies student demographics for a single term. Data is provided by program, major program area, status, gender, age, region of residence and country of origin.

The Langara College Accountability Plan and Report provides a medium for Langara to communicate our current and future goals and to report on our progress toward internal targets and Ministry of Post Secondary Education and Future Skills performance measures. The Accountability Plan and Report is produced annually.

The Environmental Scan 2019 considers the demographic and economic context, government priorities, and trends in post-secondary education that might relate to Langara’s mission as Canada’s pathways college. There are three parts in the Environmental Scan 2019: the first discusses broader trends in the Vancouver area and British Columbia as a whole; the second discusses trends specific to Langara and other post-secondary institutions in the province; and the third discusses Langara’s internal enrolment trends and ongoing initiatives.

Work with us

Integrated Planning and Accountability works in partnership with other Langara offices to develop research methodologies and analysis plans for use in department-specific planning and assessment. We also provide guidance and support regarding methodology, instrument design, and interpretation for offices and faculty that choose to conduct their own research.

Institutional Research 
E-mail: ipa@langara.ca 

Courtney Fabri 
Tel. 604-323-5679 
E-mail: cfabri@langara.ca 

Yui Funayama 
Manager, Research and Planning
Tel. 604-323-5637 
E-mail: yfunayama@langara.ca 

Kyle Schoenfeld 
Senior Research Analyst  
E-mail: kschoenfeld@langara.ca 

Linshan Zhang 
Data and Reporting Analyst 
E-mail: linshanzhang@langara.ca 

Andre Henrique 
Data and Reporting Analyst 
E-mail: ahenrique@langara.ca 

Tin Nguyen 
Research Analyst  
E-mail: tuannguyen@langara.ca 

Andy Silva 
Intermediate Research Analyst 
E-mail: asilva@langara.ca 

Ryan Morrison 
Data and Reporting Analyst 
E-mail: rmorrison@langara.ca

Hiu Fung Lydia Chau 
Data and Reporting Analyst  
E-mail: hchau@langara.ca

Vi Nguyen 
Research Analyst 
E-mail: vinguyen@langara.ca