Learn tips on managing your time for the semester and how to budget time for classes, studying, and leisure activities. Handouts on overcoming procrastination, attitudes toward studying, and study tips are also included.

Below are the handouts and links for the time management workshop:

Calculate how much time you really have:

How to get things done on time:

Getting organized:

Budgeting your weekly hours

The following video provides tips for how to budget your weekly study time.

Time management for assignments, readings & test preparation

The following video provides tips for budgeting your time so you can finish assignments on time and prepare for exams and quizzes. 

Time management is a critical skill for student success in the post-secondary setting. Despite its importance as a student success tool, there has only been a modest amount of research studies on students’ use of time management. Nevertheless studies conducted thus far in the domain have yielded practical and significant findings. Read on for the latest research about time management and procrastination.