Educational counselling includes a culturally-sensitive and trauma-informed approach to supporting students' academic progress and success. We can help you make informed decisions, rebuild capacity and develop academic confidence that supports success at Langara and beyond. 


May include:

  • Learning to adjust to college life
  • Overcoming procrastination
  • Developing study skill strategies, such as time-management
  • Academic challenges (including probation and suspension)
  • Manage anxiety related to courseworks or exams
  • Supporting students involved with RES appeals and conduct matters 
  • Personal and interpersonal issues that affect academics



Educational Counselling vs Academic Advising

Here are some sample statements and questions that indicate whether you should make an appointment with a Counsellor or Academic Advisor.


Educational Counselling

Supporting your success as a student and helping you navigate school-related stress and challenges

  • I need better study skills.
  • I’m worried about my studies and my future.
  • Should I switch programs? What are my options?
  • I need help writing a letter of appeal.
  • The stress of school is affecting other areas of my life
  • I’m having difficulty adjusting to the culture here.
  • I’m worried about being on academic probation/suspension.


Academic Advising

Specific questions about course selection, university transfer, and other academic procedures.

  • How do I transfer to university?
  • Which courses should I choose?
  • I can’t get into the course I want, what other course could I take?
  • What prerequisites do I need?
  • I have questions about the Diagnostic Tests (LET,MDT, PDT).
  • What other requirements do I need to graduate?
  • I’m on academic probation/ suspension. What does this mean?