Please email us at modern.languages for general departmental inquiries.
For inquiries related to a specific language, please e-mail chinese,
french, japanese or spanish
Contact the Department Chair, Mirabelle Tinio, at mtinio, and the Assistant Chair, Wei Xia, at wxia
Our fax number is 604.323.5001.

Courses: SPAN 1115, 1215, 1205
At Langara Since: 2002
Credentials & Training:
Academic & Professional Activities:
Instructional Web
Courses: FREN 1115, 1215, 1119
At Langara Since: 2017
Credentials & Training:
- Ph.D. candidate in French Literature (UBC)
- M.A. in French Literature (UBC)
- B.A. in French (Wuhan University, China)
- One-year Exchange Program at Paris VII Diderot, France
Areas of Academic or Research Interest:
- Second language acquisition
- Translation studies
- Quebec migrant literature
- Mobility studies
- XIX century French literature
- Baudelaire
Style of Teaching: Adapting to each specific group, my teaching aims to build a solid foundation of the language, with a focus on pronunciation and basic grammar.
Other Interests: Foreign movies, including French and Japanese
Instructional Web
Courses: SPAN 1115, 1215, 2119, 2219, and LAMS 1101 (literature component)
At Langara Since: 2009
Credentials & Training:
- Diploma Superior in Latin American Studies with focus on the Andean region (Universidad Andina Simón Bolivar, Quito, Ecuador)
- MA in Hispanic Studies and Literature: Iberian and Latin American literature and Sociolinguistics (UBC)
- BA in Speech and Linguistic Sciences (UBC)
- BA in Hispanic Studies (UBC)
- Certificado en Lingüística y Literatura (Pontifiicia Universidad Católica, Quito, Ecuador)
Academic & Professional Activities:
- Member, Standing Committee on Language Articulation (SCOLA, 2007)
- Member, Society of Translators and Interpreters of BC (STIBC, 2008 - present)
- Member, Pachamama Alliance (2005)
- Member, Educational Technology Users Group (ETUG, 2010)
Instructional Web

Courses: JAPN 1115, 1117, 1215, 1217
At Langara Since: 1996
Credentials & Training:
- MA in TESL and Applied Linguistics (UBC)
- BA in Sociology (Kansai University, Japan)
Style of Teaching: Serious learning with fun and hard work.
Areas of Academic or Research Interest: My academic specialty is analyzing the process of second language acquisition, in particular, social and political pressures on second language acquisition and the correlation between motivation factors and successful language learning. My current academic interest is to explore the difference in learning patterns of the Japanese language when the instructional language is Japanese, English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Academic & Professional Activities:
- Member, Standing Committee on Language Articulation (SCOLA, 1996 - present)
- Organizer & Judge, All BC Japanese Speech Contest; Consulate General of Japan (1996 - present)
- Candidate Selection Staff, Japan Exchange Teacher (JET) Program, Consulate General of Japan (2001)
- Facilitator, Langara-Ryukoku University Exchange Program (2012 - present)
- Keynote Speaker, Cuarto Congreso Internacional de Educación Superior: Autonomy, University of Chiapas, Mexico (November 2014)
- Co-teacher (Japanese), Centro Universitario de Idiomas (CUI), University of Buenos Aires, Argentina (January - February 2014; January - February 2009)
- Teacher (Japanese), Escuela para Estudiantes Extranjeros (EEE), University of Veracruz, Mexico (June - July 2006)
- Professional Japanese-English and English-Japanese translator/interpreter
Other Interests: I enjoy travelling, painting, hiking, cycling, reading, cooking, martial arts, playing the piano and guitar, learning languages, and exploring different cultures. In my volunteer work, I assist new immigrants in Vancouver.
Courses: FREN 1115, 1217
At Langara Since: 2019
Credentials & Training:
Academic & Professional Activities:
Instructional Web

At Langara Since: 2003
Credentials & Training:
- BA in History (UBC)
- French (University of Alberta)
- Spanish 1-4 (Langara Continuing Studies)
- Mandarin (Langara, UBC, Yunnan Normal University, Beijing Language and Culture University, Nanjing Normal University)
- Confucius Institute Mandarin speech contest, third place (2015)
- Canada-China Scholar's Exchange Award Recipient (2016)
- Confucius Institute Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Scholarship Recipient (2017)
Areas of Academic or Research Interest: My ongoing research interest is in language education technology and methods to enhance language education and study. Among my current projects are: developing and improving facilities for language study and practice (i.e., digital language labs and study space); expanding student learning opportunities by developing online, mobile-accessible language learning resources; and expanding the use of course management systems to supplement in-class instruction.
Courses: FREN 1115, 1215, 1117
At Langara Since: 2012
Credentials & Training:
Academic & Professional Activities:
Instructional Web
Courses: JAPN 1115
At Langara Since: 2024
Credentials & Training:
Academic & Professional Activities:
Instructional Web

Courses: FREN 1115, 1215, 1119, 1219
At Langara Since: 2012
Credentials & Training:
- MA in French language (UBC)
- BA in French and Spanish (Langara/UBC)
Style of Teaching: I constantly encourage students to participate and showcase their knowledge of French.
Areas of Academic or Research Interest: My academic specialties and interests include Francophone literature, post-colonial literature, and magical realism.
Academic & Professional Activities (Teaching Workshops Attended):
- Standing Committee on Language Articulation (SCOLA, Langara, 2013)
- Interdisciplinary Community of Practice (UBC, 2012)
- Effective Presentation and Media Skills (UBC, 2011)
- Adult Learning Theories (UBC, 2011)
- Diversity and Inclusion in the Classroom (UBC, 2011)
- Classroom Assessment Techniques (UBC, 2011)
- Leading Intriguing Discussions (UBC, 2011)
- Participatory Learning Techniques (UBC, 2011)
Published Works (Conference Proceedings):
- “L'écriture engagée et ses méthodes dans Branle-bas en noir et blanc de Mongo Beti et Quand on refuse on dit non d'Ahmadou Kourouma”, SARI/CICC (University of Cergy-Pontoise, France)
- “La subversion chez Michel Tournier dans Sept contes” (Tangence Presse)
- Universitaire (University of Trois-Rivières, Québec)
Other Interests: I volunteer in the French literacy program at a French immersion school.
Instructional Web

Courses: CHIN 1115, 3381, 3383
At Langara Since: 2003
Credentials & Training:
- PhD in Modern Chinese Literature (UBC)
Areas of Academic or Research Interest: My academic specialties include modern Chinese literature, modern Chinese language, and classical Chinese language.
Academic & Professional Activities:
- Member, Canadian Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Association
Instructional Web

Courses: CHIN 1115, 1215, 1117, 1217
At Langara Since: 1998
Credentials & Training:
- BA in English Language and Literature, Shandong University, Shandong, China
Spanish Language Certificate, Official Language School, Madrid, Spain
Certificate of Cervantes Spanish Language, Madrid, Spain
Master of Education, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Style of Teaching: I strongly believe in involving students in the learning process, and making the learning fun and interesting by incorporating games, stories, and empowering students with socio-cultural knowledge of the Chinese language.
Areas of Academic or Research Interest: My area of interest and specialization is teaching Mandarin Chinese to beginners as a foreign/second language, in particular, the origin, philosophy and cultural knowledge of Chinese characters, radicals of Chinese characters, the social and cultural dimensions of Chinese grammar and other aspects of the language and using games and technology in the learning process.
Academic & Professional Activities:
- Member, Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Association
- Judge, Confucius Institute Chinese Bridge Mandarin Speech and Singing Contests
- Member, Standing Committee on Language Articulation (SCOLA)
Other Interests: I love animals and volunteer in the Vancouver Rabbit Rescue shelter and have a bunny rabbit. I enjoy hiking and practicing Yoga. In my free time, I help new immigrants with their new life in Canada. I have traveled extensively and lived 2.5 years in Germany and 6 years in Spain. These experiences were not only eye and mind-opening but also convinced me to dedicate myself to intercultural communication.
Instructional Web

Courses: JAPN 1115
At Langara Since: 2015
Credentials & Training:
- BA in Japanese Linguistics and Education (Osaka University of Foreign Studies)
- MA in Modern Language Education (University of British Columbia)
Areas of Academic or Research Interest: second language pedagogy, second language and heritage language acquisition, identities in second language learning and teaching, technology in second language education.
Academic & Professional Activities:
- Member, Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education (CAJLE)
- Member, Standing Committee on Language Articulation (SCOLA)
Instructional Web
Courses: JAPN 1115, 1215
At Langara Since: 2023
Credentials & Training:
Academic & Professional Activities:
Instructional Web

Courses: JAPN 1115, 1215, 1117, 1217
At Langara Since: 2012
Credentials & Training:
- MA in Modern Language Education and Applied Linguistics (UBC)
- BA in Linguistics (UBC)
- Associate of Arts in English (Obirin Junior College, Tokyo, Japan)
Style of Teaching: Understanding structures and remembering vocabulary are important. It takes a lot of meticulous work to learn a foreign language. When you work hard, you will find it fun to be able to express yourself. I employ different methods and will engage you in listening, speaking, reading, and writing often in class. I do exercises using a lot of visuals. You will learn language to communicate!
Areas of Academic or Research Interest: My academic specialties include bilingual programs and heritage language education.
Academic & Professional Activities:
- Member, Standing Committee on Language Articulation (SCOLA)
- Examiner, International Baccalaureate (2011 - present)
- Member, Training Program for Teachers of the Japanese Language, The Japan Foundation, Urawa (1999)
Other Interests: I enjoy hiking, Japanese flower arrangement, gardening, cooking, and reading.
Instructional Web

Program Area: French
Courses: FREN 1115, 1117, 1217, 1205
At Langara Since: 2003
Credentials & Training:
- Maîtrise de littérature française de la Sorbonne Nouvelle with a focus on 17th century literature (Paris III)
- Masters in French literature with a focus on contemporary literature and the theme "l'identité et l'aliénation" (UBC)
Style of Teaching: My objective is to create an in-class setting that is conducive to meaningful learning by spending time each day on action-oriented tasks. Students have the opportunity to practice speaking the language during each class, but also take time to focus on writing skills. I am inspired by the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) as a guide to focus students' learning on communicative skills and purposeful interaction.
Academic & Professional Activities:
- Co-chair, Standing Committee on Language Articulation (SCOLA, 2016-2021)
- Curriculum Development Consultant, Teaching and Curriculum Development Centre (2018-2020)
- Advisor, Educational Technology (2020-2023)
- Department Chair, Modern Languages (2020 - present)
- BCCampus H5P OER Development Grant Recipient (2021)
- BCCampus Book Club Facilitator (2021)
Other Interests: I enjoy running, travelling, music (singing, guitar playing), dance, sociology, and spending time in nature.

Courses: SPAN 1115, 1215
At Langara Since: 2010
Credentials & Training:
- BA, Major in Spanish and Minor in Italian (University of Victoria)
- MA in Hispanic Studies (UBC)
Academic & Professional Activities:
- Member, Standing Committee on Language Articulation (SCOLA, since 2009)
- Member, Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CALACS, since 2007)
Instructional Web

Courses: CHIN 3331, 3333
At Langara Since: 2004
- B.A. in Teaching Chinese as A Second Language, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China
- Master of Arts, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Areas of Academic or Research Interest:
- I have taught various Chinese language/literature courses at different levels. My main area of specialty during the past two decades has been to create a semi-immersion in-class and online environment to help non-heritage beginners develop integrated Chinese language skills, especially at an intensive pace.
- I have also devoted myself to teaching Classical Chinese since 2012. I have developed a pedagogy to enable students to read and analyze Classical texts through their social and historical contexts. One of my main objectives is to allow heritage learners to re-examine and strengthen their connections to their Chinese cultural heritage through extensive research and critical thinking.
Academic & Professional Activities:
- Member, Canadian Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Association
- Member, Standing Committee on Language Articulation
- Judge, Confucius Institute Chinese Bridge Mandarin Speech and Singing Contests for University/College Students
Style of Teaching: Students are always the center of my teaching. To engage the learners as much as possible, to attend to their interests and needs at each stage, to enhance their learning experience with new technology and updated methods is the teaching style which I pursue. As always, I learn how to be a better teacher through teaching.
Other Interests: I love to make apple pies in my kitchen in the cold and damp winter days, and love to spend time in my garden during summer. I also enjoy traveling and visiting my artist friends in different cities. From time to time, I curate art exhibitions featuring some of my favourite works.
Instructional Web