Sociology Summer 2025 Classes
1120: Introduction to Sociology: Models and Concepts
1121: Introduction to Sociology: Structures and Processes
1195: Special Topics: Introduction to Social Diversity and Inclusion
Anthropology Summer 2025 Classes
1120: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
1131: Introduction to Physical Anthropology & Human Origins
1132: Introduction to Archaeology
The faculty in our Department represent a broad cross-cultural perspective to learning about human societies. Over the years our faculty have conducted research among a variety of different communities in British Columbia, and international locations such as India, China, Spain, Kenya, Tanzania, Mexico, Belize, and Peru.
We were also pioneers, being the very first college or university in B.C., to teach Sociology on-line in the 1990s!
The department has helped many students broaden their perspectives and, in many cases, literally changed their lives. We are very proud of our former students who have continued their academic studies and are now in possession of Masters and Ph.D degrees, as well as of those individuals who have informed us of how important our courses were in their personal development.
Our wide variety of Sociology and Anthropology courses can be chosen as electives in many different programs, and we hope that you choose to enroll in our courses!
Want to learn more about our department and classes? We have a dedicated Anthropology Instagram (langara_anthropology), and Anthropology Facebook account (