Apr 10, 2018

By Dave McBride, Instructor

Online courses allow students to learn at their own pace, take courses from anywhere that has internet access, and engage in meaningful discussions and dialogue with classmates and instructors. Unlike typical classroom courses, where some students may be uncomfortable speaking in class discussions, online courses typically provide participants with greater opportunities to think and reflect on course readings before providing their thoughts, perspectives and opinions in course discussion forums and assignments. This allows students to engage in deeper learning and self-reflection that often leads to transformational learning opportunities that can be applied to their personal lives and work.


Recreation 1160 “Foundations of Leisure and Recreation” is one of the foundational courses for the Recreation Leadership Diploma Program, and is also a required course for Bachelor of Recreation Management Program students who have not completed the Diploma Program. Here are some examples of significant course learning from students who are nearing completion of the Spring 2018 RECR 1160 online course:

Nick B:
Having worked in the recreation industry for my whole adult life and participating in a variety of recreational experiences growing up, I think I have a good understanding of recreation and leisure. I had already considered recreation and leisure to be something we choose to improve our lifestyles. This course took my understanding to a new level though. In the beginning of the course we spent time on the foundation of leisure. In particular, the idea of "schole" (significant learning that can happen during leisure pursuits) was impactful. The idea of leisure being the direct cause and effect in the pursuit of personal development was new to me. It suggests that leisure is not just a positive way to use our free time. It can be what we use to better ourselves. I have found this to be inspiring in my own personal development. I now see leisure as a tool in helping me become the person that I truly want to be.

Kristina L:

Throughout my time in this course I have learned a lot, not just about recreation itself, but also about how I interact with the world of recreation. Before this course, I had never realized how deeply and profoundly recreation has touched my life. I have learned that recreation comes in so many forms and produces a very different and personal experience for each person who takes part in it. I have also learned that recreation is very self-directed. If you want to take hold of your own life and happiness you must start by controlling your own recreation and finding time to participate in recreation activities. By taking this course I have found a deeper and greater appreciation of how recreation plays a part in my life because I have learned how to critically think about recreation. This has been a very important lesson with me that I will carry with me forever.

Hassan R:

This course has truly opened my eyes to the importance of leisure and recreation. I have always associated recreation as being something I do for my physical health. I was unaware of the benefits that you can gain for your mental and spiritual health. After doing the course work, and reading some more on my own, I have a better understanding of ‘flow’, and how it's something that could be used in any part of your life. It also gave me a better understanding of the chief good in life which is happiness. Taking this course justified to me that I should pursue the Bachelor of Recreation Management degree. I was unsure before, but after learning how vast the recreation industry is, and how beneficial it is for people, I know that it's something I want to do for a career. My passion has always been in fitness, but this course wants to make me explore other aspects of recreation.

Garrett S:

I would have to say that the most significant change in my understanding of recreation & leisure from taking this course is appreciating the roles that different recreation providers play in my community. This was made very apparent to me in the ideals and scope assignments that we completed. This course made me understand that the recreation needs of a community are a lot like a puzzle, there are several pieces of varying shapes and sizes that are needed to make up the whole. I will admit, when this course began, as somebody who works in recreation, I saw other recreation providers more as "competitors". Going forward I will have a much deeper appreciation for various recreation providers, as I know that all of them are fulfilling a certain segment of the population's needs, and this makes my community happier and healthier as a whole. Taking this course has, without a doubt, made me a more well-rounded recreation employee, who is much better equipped to serve my community.

Manvir G:
Over the last three months, this course has not only helped me learn about leisure and recreation, but has allowed me to incorporate it into my daily life. After taking this course it has allowed me to take on life challenges in a rather open approach. Working full-time at my job while being enrolled in full time school posed many challenges for me both mentally and physically. This class allowed me to move outside my comfort zone and test myself, which taught me more about myself than any other online class that I have taken.