What is geography?
Geography is everything. The mountains, rocks, soil, rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, plants, animals, people and places. It’s about energy and cities, forests and farms. Geography is about housing, health, finances, conflict, reconciliation, stewardship, technology and leadership. Geography is about everything, including us, because everything is connected. It’s all part of the same planet and there is no planet B. So, the sooner we all learn how it works and how to take care of it the better.
What is geology?
Geology is the foundation, literally, upon which everything is built. The solid Earth beneath is not so solid. It moves, slowly, continuously, and mountains form. Sometimes change is sudden, rapid and a new volcano is born. Whether fast or slow, when processes inside the Earth decide it’s time for a change everything is affected. Geology is also the history of the Earth since it first came into being over 4.5 billion years ago. To understand our planet we need know what’s happening on the outside, deep inside and how long it’s been happening.
When you take geography and geology at Langara you will learn about the Earth. Which classes are up to you. When you’re done you’ll be much better prepared to face the future, be it a degree in geography or geology, any other area of study or whatever path in life you choose.
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