All over the world, a growing proportion of the population lives in cities. In the coming 25 years, the global population is projected to grow by 1.6 billion people.
Today, there is an undeniable and growing need to educate the next generation of urban thinkers and practitioners.
Urban Geographers tackle questions like…
What does it mean for a city to be liveable? How can cities become resilient in the face of global climate change? How can twenty-first-century cities grow to become more sustainable, equitable, and just? Find out by taking urban geography courses at Langara.
GEOG 1130 - Urban Geography
Follow the evolution of cities through time, from their origins to contemporary urban environments, and through space, from North America to exploring urban systems across the globe.
More information here
GEOG 2230 - Canadian Contemporary Urban Life
This course covers urban development in Canada from several different perspectives and scales: as an urban system, as a landscape interpreted by individuals, and as a globally networked space:
More information here
Looking for more? Did you know that UBC and SFU have recently launched brand new Urban Studies undergraduate degrees? That’s right, full degrees in Urban Studies.
Check them out!
Major in Urban Studies - UBC
Urban Worlds Major - SFU