There are several parking options available at Langara College's Main Campus (100 West 49th Avenue, Vancouver). Our parking lots are patrolled by Imperial Parking Canada Corporation.
Impark Contact Info:
- General Inquiries (24 hours): 604.681.7311
- Meter Out-of-Order: 1.866.277.5501
- Meter Refunds: 604.331.7118
- Notice Disputes: 604.909.3933 or 1.800.315.7275
- Towing (Drake): 604.251.3344
Parking Lot Hours:
- Monday-Friday: 7:00am to 11:30pm
- Saturday and Sunday: 7:00am to 7:00pm
- Statutory Holidays: Parking lots locked.
- Underground parkade closed on Sundays and statutory holidays.
Note: During Studio 58 shows and athletic events, parking lots will remain open later than usual.
Auto Assistance:
If you are experiencing vehicle problems while parked at Langara, Impark offers the following complimentary services: fuel delivery, locked key retrieval, battery start, flat tire change, and will arrange for a tow (at driver’s expense) if necessary. Call 1.877.771.7383 (PETE) to arrange with Impark staff.
For more information about parking at Langara, please visit one of the following pages: