The following resources are provided to assist researchers who are planning or engaged in research involving human subjects:
- NSERC – Policies and Guidelines for Professors
A comprehensive set of resources provided by NSERC to assist researchers in the conduct of their research. - SSHRC – Main Page
A link to the Social Sciences and Humanities research Council official website. From the main page you can link directly to the Resource centre where information on preparing successful applications can be found. - CIHR – Main Page
A link to the Canadian Institutes if Health Research official website. Comprehensive information is available on funding and applications for funding. - Tri-Council Policy Statement
A link to the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans. All researchers and prospective researchers are strongly encouraged to become familiar with TCPS2. - Course on Research Ethics (CORE-2022)
The TCPS 2 Tutorial - Human Research Ethics for the Social Sciences and Humanities
Macquarie University – Australia - The Lab - Avoiding Research Misconduct
US Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Research Integrity