LREB Membership
In accordance with the Tri-Council Policy Statement on Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans and the College’s policy on Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans, the Langara Research Ethics Board (LREB) will have, as a minimum, the following members:
- The LREB shall consist of at least five (5) members, including both men and women, who serve staggered two-year renewable terms to maintain continuity and ensure diversity of background and expertise.
- All appointments are made by the President in consultation with the Chair of Education Council according to the following criteria:
- At least two (2) members who have broad expertise in the methods or areas of research covered by the LREB;
- At least one member who is knowledgeable in ethics
- For biomedical research, at least one member knowledgeable in the relevant law; this is advisable but not mandatory for other areas of research;
- At least one (1) community member who has no affiliation with Langara College drawn from the Langara College region.
- The President in consultation with the Chair of the Education Council shall, on a bi-annual basis, appoint one (1) member of the LREB as Chair to serve a two-year renewable term.
- There shall be only one research ethics board established at Langara College.
In addition, membership of the LREB shall be governed by the following principles:
- A member of the LREB may resign before the end of his/her term. In the event of a resignation, the vacancy will be filled as quickly as possible.
- In accordance with TCPS2 Article 6.7, new appointments and renewal of memberships to the LREB will be made in accordance with the qualifications and expertise required at the time of appointment by the LREB.
- The president may remove a member at any time.
- The LREB membership roster will be maintained by the Office of The President and by the LREB manager. The roster will include the following minimal information:
- Member names
- Earned degrees and other qualifications
- The capacity under which the member is serving on the LREB
- The relationship between the LREB member and the institution
- Information regarding the member’s experience that is sufficient to indicate the chief contribution of the member to the LREB