The following is an archive of past Philosophers' Jams
- September 20, 2011: The Idea of "The Good City": Idealogy, Morality, and the Future of Cities | Guest Speaker: Julie Longo
- October 18, 2011: Prostitution in Canada: The Challenges for Policy Makers and Legislators | Guest Speaker: Chris Atchison
- November 15, 2011: Is Recycling the New Religion? | Guest Speaker: Lee Moller
- December 13, 2011: Is It Possible to Be a Good Sport? | Guest Speaker: John Russell
- January 12, 2012: Underlying Sexual Dynamics of the Environmental Crisis: Why Saving the Earth Won't Be Easy | Guest Speaker: Kurt Preinsperg
- February 9, 2012: Do (Some) Safety Rules Do More Harm Than Good? | Guest Speaker: Richard Johns
- March 8, 2012: Gun Control: The Long and Short of It | Guest Speaker: Johnna Fischer
- April 12, 2012: State of the Art: Should the Government Fund the Arts? | Guest Speaker: Kerry Regier
- September 20, 2012: Transhumanism: Enhanced human or diminished humanity? | Guest Speaker: Peter McKnight
- October 18, 2012: Does Modern Education Miss the Point? | Guest Speaker: Dale Beyerstein
- November 15, 2012: Seduced Into Gangs: Is There a Connection Between Alienation & Gang Violence? | Guest Speaker: Indira Prahst
- November 29, 2012: Do People Really Have Minds? And If They Do, What Good Are They Anyway? | Guest Speaker: Wayne Henry
- January 17, 2013: How We Create Life's Meaning | Guest Speaker: Kurt Preinsperg
- February 28, 2013: The Case for Medically Assisted Dying in Canada | Guest Speaker: Wanda Morris
- March 21, 2013: What's Fair | Guest Speaker: Alister Browne
- September 19, 2013: Does Privacy Still Matter? | Guest Speaker: Micheal Vonn
- October 17, 2013: Would You Want To Live in Utopia? | Guest Speaker: John Russell
- November 21, 2013: Positive and Negative Liberty | Guest Speaker: Tim Christie
- February 6, 2014: Are You Nuts? Of Course There's Such a Thing as Mental Illness | Guest Speaker: Dale Beyerstein
- March 13, 2014: How Sensitive is Your Funny Bone? | Guest Speaker: Assaulted Fish Sketch Comedy
- March 27, 2014: Aboriginal People and Justice: How Can It Be Achieved? | Guest Speaker: Larry Railton
- September 18, 2014: International Aid & Dependency | Guest Speaker: Sylvia Berryman
- October 16, 2014: The Metaphysics of Love | Guest Speakers: Jasper Heaton and Aida Rolge Mas
- Nov 20, 2014: Do Colleges Have Academic Freedom? | Guest Speaker: Lane Trotter
- Jan 15, 2015: Can ancient ideas make us happy? | Guest Speaker: Michael Griffin
- Feb 15, 2015: Tough Choices: Philosophy meets Medicine | Guest Speakers: Dale Beyerstein and Mary Kruger
- Mar 19, 2015: You may already be an Anarchist | Guest Speaker: Edrie Sobstyl
- Jun 17, 2015: Privacy and National Security | Guest Speakers: Micheal Vonn and Carmen Cheung
- Sept 24, 2015: Constructing "the economy" | Guest Speaker: Margaret Schabas
- Oct 8, 2015: Mandatory Voting | Guest Speaker: Murray Mollard
- Oct 21, 2015: Consumer Capitalism | Guest Speaker: Wayne Henry
- Nov 19, 2015: Collective Action and Rationality | Guest Speaker: Alister Browne
- Jan 21, 2016: Perspectives on Terrorism | Guest Speaker: Indira Prahst
- Feb 4, 2016: Cross-Cultural Romance | Guest Speaker: Faizal Sahukhan
- March 17, 2016: Moral Excuses | Guest Speaker: Brian Garrett
- Sept 21, 2016: Technology and the Mind | Guest Speaker: Martin Godwyn
- Oct 20, 2016: Psychology, Philosophy and the Brain | Guest Speaker: Wayne Fenske
- Nov 10, 2016: Vaccination Compliance | Guest Speaker: Katharine Browne
- Jan 18, 2017: Navigating Life's Predicaments: Core Insights of Existentialism | Guest Speaker: Kurt Preinsperg
Feb 15, 2017: Ultimate Responsibility and Self-Construction | Guest Speaker: Brian Garrett
Mar 15, 2017: What Good is Play | Guest Speaker: John Russell
- Jan 25, 2018: Why psychologists believe weird things | Guest Speaker: Dale Beyerstein
- Feb 22, 2018: Conspiracy theories and critical thinking | Guest Speaker: Richard Johns
- Apr 5, 2018: What’s the point of free speech? | Guest Speaker: Kent Schmor
- Apr 12, 2018: Fake news, the new media, and academic freedom | Andrew Irvine
- Sep 27, 2018: From the Inside: Private Experience within an Embodied Brain | Liam Dempsey
- Oct 25, 2018: How Stoicism Can Be Useful Today | Alex Boston
- Nov 25, 2018: Attention Rights | Sebastian Watzl
- Sept 30, 2021: Social media algorithms and democratic political culture | Guest Speaker: Regina Rini (York University)
December 3, 2021: Rethinking Vaccine Hesitancy | Guest Speaker: Maya Goldenberg (University of Guelph)
- February 3, 2022: Explaining and Intervening in Epidemics | Guest Speaker: Jonathan Fuller (University of Pittsburgh)
- March 17, 2022:Free Speech on Campus | Guest Speaker: Sigal Ben-Porath (University of Pennsylvania)
- May 26, 2022: Bernard Suits and the Paradox of the Perfectly Played Game | Guest Speaker: Christopher C. Yorke (Langara College)
- November 30, 2022: Sad Love | Guest Speaker: Carrie Jenkins (University of British Columbia)
- February 8, 2023: Chatting with an AI, chatting with a human, what's the difference? | Guest Speaker: Marc Champagne (Kwantlen)
- November 23, 2023: Losing Privacy and Living the Sound Bite Life Guest Speaker | Chelsea Rosenthal (Simon Fraser University)
- November 23, 2023: Losing Privacy and Living the Sound Bite Life Guest Speaker | Chelsea Rosenthal (Simon Fraser University)
- April 5, 2024: From Ivory Towers to Public Squares: Post-Secondary Education's Role In Increasing Scientific Literacy | Guest Speaker: Dr. Johanne Penafiel (Langara)
- Novembber 29, 2024: The Case for Trans Rights: Gender Dysphoria and Why Wanting Is Enough | Guest Speaker: Jasper Heaton (Langara)