Langara College requires documentation from students with disabilities who request services and/or accommodations through Accessibility Services. The documentation will be used to determine reasonable accommodations to meet individual student’s needs in accordance with Langara College’s Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities Policy (E1005) and Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities Procedures.

All documentation must be current (usually no more than three (3) years; or five (5) years for Psycho-educational (Learning Disability/Disorder) Assessments if completed before the age of 18), and conform to the BC Ministry of Advanced Education’s definitions and standards.

New or updated documentation may be required when the student’s functional limitation(s) have shown significant change or when the student’s accommodation request(s) have changed.

All documentation is collected, used, disclosed, secured, and disposed of in accordance with the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).

Students must provide written documentation of the following:

  • Diagnosis (DSM-IV or DSM 5, if applicable) of the disability
  • Symptom(s)
  • Functional limitation(s) and/or impact of the disability within the post-secondary setting (including medication side effects, if applicable)
  • Timelines for recovery (if disability is temporary)
  • Recommendations for accommodations

Depending on the nature of the student’s disability, Accessibility Services may determine that some additional, more specific information is required.

Visit our Official Documentation for a list of appropriate medical professionals and acceptable documentation formats.