Randip Bakshi

Phone: 604.323.5511 ext. 2601
Office: B010c
Email: rbakshi@langara.ca

Randip teaches courses in Asian art, the survey, and worldviews at Langara. He has an Honours BA in Art History and Middle Eastern Studies from the University of Toronto and an MA in Art History from the University of Victoria.


Geoffrey Carr

Email: gcarr@langara.ca

Bruce Hanbury

Phone: 604.323.5741
Office: B010d
Email: bhanbury@langara.ca

University of British Columbia (Art History)
Special Interests: Architectural history, Renaissance Italy, nineteenth and twentieth century Modernism, Study Abroad Programs.

Timothy Stevenson

Phone: 604.323.5554
Office: B010c
Email: tstevenson@langara.ca

Holy Names College Oakland (Spirituality); M. Div. (Vancouver School of Theology)
Special Interests: Twentieth century politics, spirituality, science and religion