What It Is

Program Review is a systematic process for assessing the quality of Langara’s departments/programs. It consists of a Self-Study, External Review and Action Plan. Reviews are transparent, collaborative, data informed and formative. They build upon previous reviews and guide continuous improvement.

Why We Do It

Program Review is a mechanism for departments/programs to identify strengths, pinpoint areas for improvement and develop realistic action plans. It is also a requirement of the Degree Quality Assessment Board (DQAB).

Who Is Involved

Program Review at Langara College is faculty driven and Dean led.


What Is Involved


Programs/Departments Scheduled for Review in AY 2024/25:

  1. Advanced Accounting
  2. Anthropology
  3. Sociology
  4. Asian Studies
  5. Associate of Arts (General)
  6. Associate of Science (General)
  7. Digital Music Production
  8. Fine Arts
  9. Women’s Studies


Program Review Schedule: