What It Is

Program Review is a systematic process for assessing the quality of Langara’s departments/programs. It consists of a Self-Study, External Review and Action Plan. Reviews are transparent, collaborative, data informed and formative. They build upon previous reviews and guide continuous improvement.

Why We Do It

Program Review is a mechanism for departments/programs to identify strengths, pinpoint areas for improvement and develop realistic action plans. It is also a requirement of the Degree Quality Assessment Board (DQAB).

Who Is Involved

Program Review at Langara College is faculty driven and Dean led.


What Is Involved


Programs/Departments Scheduled for Review in AY 2023/24:

  1. Aboriginal/Indigenous Studies 
  2. Biology
  3. DASSH (Diploma of Applied Social Sciences and Humanities)
  4. Diploma of Arts and Science
  5. Film Arts 
  6. Geography & Geology
  7. Health, Safety and Environmental Compliance
  8. Health Science
  9. Kinesiology


Program Review Schedule: