Are You Eligible for early registration time? Apply for BBA Upper Division Status! 

Upper Division BBA students register earlier than Lower Division BBA students

Deadline to apply for Upper Division: Monday, January 30, 2023

How to apply for Upper Division:  

BBA Lower Division (Term L) students who are eligible to progress to Upper Division (Term U) must complete the Upper Division Progression Request Form - Summer 2023  before the deadline. If you have questions about your eligibility, please email

The deadline to submit this form to take effect for the Summer 2023 registration period is Monday, January 30th, 11:45 pm. If you have already been approved for Upper Division standing in a previous term, you do not need to submit the request again. 

In order to progress to Upper Division, students must have: 

  • completed a minimum of 60 credits; 
  • a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.33; 
  • completed all bridging courses for their concentration with a "C" grade or higher.

Courses that are not complete (in progress) cannot be used to meet the above requirements. If you need assistance or have questions, please email the LSM Advising team at

Switching Business Programs?

Deadline to submit switch requests: Monday, January 30th, 2022 

If you would like to switch business concentrations within the same credential (Diploma to Diploma; or BBA to BBA), or from a higher-level credential to a lower one (BBA to Diploma), please complete the LSM Program Switch Request Form - Summer 2023  

If you'd like to make a different kind of program switch, please email a program change request form to . If you have questions you can email

The deadline to submit an LSM program switch request for Summer 2023 is Monday, January 30th, 2022. 

If you would like to change from a business Diploma program to the BBA program, you will need to submit a new application at Registrar and Enrollment Services. The deadline to apply to the BBA for Summer 2023 is February 28th.  

Students who change programs/concentrations are required to follow the curriculum in place the semester the change takes effect. Please contact if you have any questions. 

Course Offerings

Planning to take BUSM 4200 or 4300 next term?  

BBA courses BUSM 4200 and 4300 always fill up during the first two days of registration. To give yourself the best chance of getting a seat in these courses and the other 300-level and 4000-level BBA required courses, you should apply for Upper Division status as soon as you're eligible. Upper Division BBA students register earlier than students in Lower Division. All BBA students who want to take BUSM 4200 or 4300 are advised to register as soon as the registration system opens for them.  

BBA students are reminded that their practicum (COOP 2301 or approved credit for BUSM 3000) must be completed before they can take BUSM 4200.  

BUSM 4100: No Longer Offered in Spring Terms  

Effective Spring 2023, BUSM 4100 Project Management will no longer be offered in Spring Terms. Students are advised to take this course in Summer and Fall terms moving forward.   

MARK 2200: No Longer Offered in Spring Terms

MARK 2200 Marketing Communications Design will no longer be offered in the Summer term. Instead it will be offered in the Fall term only. 

MARK 3210 Digital Marketing: No Longer Offered in Summer Terms 

Effective Spring 2023, MARK 3210 will be offered twice a year, once in the Fall term and once in the Spring term. 

BUSM 3200, BUSM 3220: Half Semester Option No Longer Available   

Effective Summer 2022, BUSM 3200 Operations Management and BUSM 3220 Negotiation Skills will no longer be offered as half-semester, condensed courses. Moving forward they will continue to be offered in Summer, but as full semester courses. 

BBA Program Maintenance of Standing 

BBA students who have completed 60 or more credits must maintain a minimum CGPA of 2.33 to continue in the program. Students unable to maintain this minimum will be removed from the BBA program and switched to an Arts and Science open enrollment program. Once a removed student is able to raise their CGPA to the minimum 2.33, they may email to request reinstatement to the BBA for the following semester.  

The deadline to submit reinstatement requests to take effect for Summer 2023 term is January 30th, 2023.  

Important Notes: 

A student who is reinstated into the BBA program after removal for maintenance of standing or suspension must meet the program/curriculum requirements in effect the term they resume their studies in the BBA. 

Students must achieve a minimum CGPA of 2.33 and a minimum 'C' grade in all core business-related third- and fourth-year courses (BCAP, BUSM, FMGT, INTB, or MARK courses numbered 3xxx or 4xxx) in order to graduate. 

Peer Tutoring Available Now 

Did you know that free peer tutoring is available through the Writing and Tutoring Centre in Langara's Learning Commons? If you're looking for tutoring help for courses FMGT 1115, 1116, 1215, 2293, and 2294, BCAP, Microsoft Office, Brightspace (D2L) visit the Learning Commons website for more information. 

Math & Stats Activity Centre (MSAC) Available Now 

The Math & Stats Activity Centre (MSAC) is a place where students can gather to work on, discuss, and obtain assistance with problems in Mathematics and Statistics. There are books, computers, and other tools for exploration, including reference books and texts. You can speak with both Peer and Faculty tutors. Visit the MSAC website for more information.  

Field Studies is Back 

Do you want to see the world and earn university-transferable credits at the same time? If so, please consider joining the Field Studies this summer in May to South Korea, Vietnam and Thailand.

For three weeks, you will be travelling to the three countries with two Langara instructors earning up to 6 credits from two courses. Very generous scholarships are available! 

For more information, please visit the Field Schools website.  

Scholarships available in the Spring term 

Application required 

PDD | Dwyer Immigration Medical Services Award is awarded to an international student enrolled in one of the post-degree diploma programs within the Faculty of Management. Recipients must have completed a minimum of 27 credits and demonstrate active engagement, leadership, or a passion for learning in the Langara community or their own community through involvement in student clubs, volunteering, or community services groups. (Spring) Apply by January 23. 

BBA Accounting | S. Charania Family Legacy Fund is awarded to a fourth year domestic student studying full-time in the Bachelor of Business Administration - Accounting program. The recipient plans to pursue a Canadian CPA designation and is actively involved in volunteering and community service activities within Langara or the greater community. Preference is given to a female student who has demonstrated financial need. (Spring) Apply by January 23. 

BBA Accounting | CPABC Vancouver Chapter Award recognizes a student graduating from the Bachelor of Business Administration program with a minimum GPA of 3.0. The recipient must have an intention to pursue a CPA program after graduating and must have a minimum of 50 hours of volunteerism or leadership in the community. (Spring) Apply by January 23. 

BBA International Business | HSBC Bank International Business Bursary supports a first-year student enrolled full-time in the BBA Program with a minimum CGPA of 2.33 and demonstrated financial need. (Spring) Apply by January 23. 

All | Michael Sharzer Scholarship for Business Presentation Skills recognizes outstanding achievement by Langara College Business students. The students achieving the highest mark in each section of BUSM 1500 (Business Presentation Skills) will present to a panel of judges composed of faculty in the BBA program. The recipient must have a minimum mark of 85% and a cumulative GPA of 3.0. (Spring) Apply by January 23. 

Coop Department Info Sessions 

The Co-op and Career Development Centre are hosting a variety of workshops and info sessions for Langara students this term. Why not check out one or all of them?  

Advising Options 

Business program advising is your first point of contact in the department for a variety of your needs, including course planning, prerequisite issues, program switches, and more. At this time, due to our office safety plan, program advising is seeing students by appointment only.  

To contact an advisor for assistance by email or to request an appointment, email

For contact information for other members of the School of Management team, please consult the LSM website.