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Do you qualify for BBA Upper Division Status?

Deadline to apply: October 6th, 2017

BBA Upper Division students register one day before BBA Lower Division students. BBA Lower Division (Term L) students who are eligible to progress to Upper Division (Term U) must complete the Upper Division Progression Request form and submit it to business@langara.ca The deadline to submit this form in time to take effect for the Spring 2018 registration period is October 6th, 2017. If you have already submitted the request form this term, you do not need to resubmit it.

In order to progress to Upper Division, students must:

  1. have completed a minimum of 60 credits;
  2. have a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.33;
  3. have completed all bridging courses for their concentration with a "C" grade or higher.

Courses that are not complete (in progress) cannot be used to meet the above requirements. Please note that we do not make any exceptions to this rule. If you need assistance or have questions, please email the LSM Advising team at business@langara.ca or check our drop-in advising schedule.

Switching business programs?

Deadline to submit requests – Friday October 6, 2017

If you would like to switch business concentrations within the same credential (ex. Diploma to Diploma; or BBA to BBA), email your request to business@langara.ca. Please include:

    • your full name;
    • Langara ID;
    • Reason for your request.

The deadline to submit this request for the Spring 2018 term is October 6th, 2017.

If you would like to switch from a business Diploma program to the BBA program, you will need to submit a new application at the Registrar's Office or online through myLangara. The deadline for Spring 2018 applications is October 31st, 2017.

Students who change programs/concentrations are required to meet all curriculum requirements in place for the semester the change takes effect. Please contact business@langara.ca if you have any questions.

BBA Program Maintenance of Standing

BBA Program students (who have completed 60 or more credits) must maintain a minimum CGPA of 2.33 to continue in the third and the fourth years of the BBA. Students unable to attain this minimum will be removed from the BBA program and switched to an Arts and Science open enrollment program. Once a student is able to raise their CGPA to the minimum 2.33, they can at that point email business@langara.ca to request reinstatement for the following semester.

A student is who reinstated into the BBA program after removal for below maintenance of standing requirements or suspension, must meet the program/curriculum requirements in effect the term they resume their studies.

Students must achieve a minimum CGPA of 2.33 and a minimum 'C' grade in all core business-related third- and fourth-year courses (BCAP, BUSM, FMGT, INTB, or MARK courses numbered 3xxx or 4xxx) in order to graduate.

BUSM 4300 – Applied Business Project

No longer offered in the Summer Semester

After offering BUSM 4300 for multiple semesters, trying different configurations, we have concluded that a summer section of this course is not conducive to student success.

Summer 2018: If you were planning to take BUSM 4300 in Summer 2018, please contact the LSM Advising Team as soon as possible. Deadline Friday October 6th, 2017.

Enrolment will be extremely limited and will require department approval.

Summer 2019 and onward: BUSM 4300 will no longer be offered in the Summer semester.

New Course Offerings – Spring 2018

FMGT 2500 – Personal Financial Planning II

Course description and prerequisite requirements available soon.

Field Studies

The Langara School of Management is associated with four field school opportunities. Each field school creates its own special niche and provides a wealth of knowledge, wisdom, excitment, and fun. All of this while earning university credits.

India Connect Scholarship Program

Deadline to apply: October 16th, 2017

We are now accepting applications for the January–April 2018 work term.

The India Connect Scholarship Program is a new partnership between Langara College, Optimus Information Inc. and the Asia Pacific Foundation. This new program will fund the opportunity for two students each year for the next three years to complete their work experience requirement at Optimus Information Inc. in New Delhi, India. The program is designed to introduce students to India's rapidly growing and tech-savvy economy.

London, UK Field Studies

Deadline to apply: October 20th, 2017

Langara School of Management, in cooperation with Capilano University, is pleased to present an amazing opportunity to visit London, UK as part of your post-secondary education experience.

As an introduction to British life and culture, this Intercultural Field School provides students with a full range of authentic learning experiences. From university living and business insights, to London's real culture and classic British history, you will discover London's eclectic and vibrant culture as seen through the lives, activities and experiences of everyday Londoners.

What better way to experience the UK post-Brexit and find out how business and cultural activities have been impacted.

Disney Field Studies in California and Florida

Deadline to apply: January 30, 2018 @ 3:00 PM

Langara College, in partnership with Disney International Programs and the University of California, Riverside, offers a unique international field school where students have the opportunity to work at Walt Disney World.

The program blends nine credits of academic coursework at the University of California, Riverside and at the Disney University with six months of supervised paid training at Walt Disney World. The program is open to all students.

Asia Field Studies

More exciting information coming soon for the 2018 program!

Click here for links to each of these fantastic field studies programs and check out our events page for information session dates and times!

Repeat Limits

All BCAP, BUSM, FMGT, INTB and MARK courses have a repeat limit of two. If you have registered* in any of these courses two or more times, you need permission to register again:

  • For all 1XXX and 2XXX courses, request a registration override from the School of Management. You can do this by emailing business@langara.ca. Provide your first and last name, your Langara ID number, and the course that you wish to repeat. Provide the course name and number (ex. MARK 1115), not the CRN.
  • For all 3XXX and 4XXX, fill out this form and send to business@langara.ca. Each request will be evaluated on an individual basis.

*If you registered and then dropped the course (i.e. it does not appear on your transcript) it does not count. However, if you registered and then withdrew from the course (i.e. it appears on your transcript with a 'W'), then it does count towards the limit.

Program Planning Session

The LSM Advising Team will be hosting Program Planning Sessions for BBA and Diploma students on:

  • Wednesday, November 1st, 2017 from 4:30 – 6:30 PM (Room B155)
  • Thursday, November 2nd, 2017 from 2:30 – 4:30 PM (Room B248)

All students in our BBA programs are invited to attend this session, which will provide more information about planning your course schedule, course selection for CPA requirements, registration tips, and offer a convenient time to ask any questions. No RSVP is required but space is limited.

For more information, email business@langara.ca.

Advising Options

Program Advisors are available throughout the week for one-on-one advising appointments (prior booking required) or you can attend our walk-in advising sessions which are posted on the LSM website. We are your first point of contact for the department for a variety of needs and issues, including course planning, program requirements, pre-requisite issues, switching programs, etc.

To book an appointment, email business@langara.ca. We are located in B253Q and B253P.

Langara School of Management Advising Team