Planning and Reporting


Langara College proudly holds a STARS Silver rating in recognition of our sustainability achievements.

The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) created the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS) to provide colleges and universities with a transparent framework for measuring their sustainability performance. 

Langara is an AASHE member and began pursuing a STARS rating in 2019. We earned a Silver rating in 2021, reflecting our sustainability efforts in campus design, energy management, academic offerings, and community programming. Read the news release.


snəw̓eyəɬ leləm̓ Langara College answers the call from United Nations to advance sustainability for a more just, equitable, and green future. In 2023 Langara's President and CEO Dr. Paula Burns signed the UN SDG Accord on behalf of the institution. By signing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG) Accord, Langara College declares our steadfast commitment towards sustainability. 

The SDG Accord advances education's critical role in achieving the United Nation's 17 goals. The Accord is also a commitment between learning institutions to share achievements, goals, and learnings with each other — nationally and internationally. 

Langara College has continuously led environmental sustainability initiatives, earning distinctions and awards for our green buildings and infrastructure. We also recognize that a sustainable future includes peace, safety, and wellbeing for all. 

The College belongs to the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) and holds a STARS silver rating [link to SDG page]. As we continue to pursue STARS excellence, the sustainability achievements that STARS measures also contribute to our progress towards UN SDGs. The AASHE STARS and the UN SDG Accord are mutually beneficial programs for educational institutions. We will use the STARS framework to report on our contributions to the SDGs.

Climate Change Accountability Reports

Since 2008, under the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets Act, all public sector organizations have reported annually on their plans and actions taken to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. 

Since 2010, all public sector organizations also report their total GHG emissions for the calendar year as well as offset investments made to achieve net-zero emissions. These reports are known as Climate Change Accountability Reports (CCARs). These reports were previously known as Carbon Neutral Action Reports.

Langara College's 2022 Climate Change Accountability Report is now available. 

Highlights from the 2022 report: 

  • Construction began in October 2022 for the next phase of the central heating plant project, which will relocate our central heating plant and remove our existing one. This major campus improvement represents the potential for a 25% reduction in GHGs. By centralizing and modernizing our central heating plant, we not only significantly reduce our GHGs immediately – we also create the opportunity to take advantage renewable energy technologies in the future. 
  • Added 12 new EV charging stations for a total of 28 stations. This is in addition to electric bicycle plugins available in our cycling facilities. As part of the installation of six dual-headed chargers in the library, a new 150KVA, 600V:208Y/120V transformer and a 400A, 208Y/120V panel c/w main breaker were installed. This transformer and panel accommodated the dual-headed chargers with spare capacity for future growth. 
  • Various LED lighting upgrades throughout campus. 
  • Added four water-fill stations across campus. 
  • Installation of five new pollinator gardens to be used as a research project for our Biology department. 
  • Added a new 10-stream recycling centre to our cafeteria area to aid with recycling across campus. 

Community and Engagement 

  • Reinvigorated our Zero Waste Event certification program with a promotional campaign. Langara hosts hundreds of events each year, and this program incentivizes organizers to reduce the amount of materials consumed, re-use items wherever possible, and encourages recycling throughout the event. 
  • We have new landscaping policy based on LEED building maintenance practices which requires the use of electric or other carbon neutral equipment, does not allow for pesticides, and limits watering to time of plant establishment, among other guidelines. 
  • We introduced two new tours for the College’s academic conference to increase education and awareness for energy management. This included a “Hidden Langara” tour, bringing guests to the inner workings of mechanical equipment required for energy management, as well as a Passive House Bike Tour where participants were led on a two-hour bike tour to learn about energy management principles in construction. 

Local Food Sourcing 

  • Langara College is proud to be a partner in Feed BC, joining fellow public post-secondary institutions throughout B.C. to ensure local, sustainable food is available now and for future generations. Through its food services provider Chartwells, Langara provides a minimum of 30% B.C.-based food expenditures by buying locally sourced foods and supporting local food providers. 
  • Langara is also home to many green spaces, including a fruit garden, a community garden with apiary, and five pollinator gardens that are used for educational purposes and to enrich the community. Visitors are welcome to immerse themselves in the environment and encouraged to pick-and-eat. Garden plots are open to and cared for by students, employees and neighbouring residents. One plot is dedicated for use by the Langara Child Development Centre as a way for children to learn about where food comes from at an early age. 

Did you know?BC’s public sector is officially carbon neutral, a first for any province or state in North America and an achievement that places British Columbia on the leading edge of climate action and growth in the clean energy and clean technology sectors. BC's Carbon Neutral Government Program was officially recognized for its efforts by the United Nations with a 2018 UN Momentum for Change Award.