The coat of arms features a strong X shape, symbolizing the College as a crossroads where students from varied backgrounds meet and then follow various life paths. It also alludes to the Langara campus, which features angular buildings surrounded by green space. The book indicates that Langara is an educational body, and the cherry blossoms are a feature of Vancouver in the spring.
The pantheon represents imagination, achievement, and the natural world. The use of gold stars on green refers to the arms of the Spanish admiral Juan de Langara y Huarte, for whom the College was named. The mariner’s compass also alludes to the early Spanish explorers, as well as the College’s role in guiding its students.
The falcon is the mascot of the College’s intercollegiate sports teams. The binary code on their collars (meaning “L” and “C” for Langara College) honours the College’s commitment to innovation in instructional information technology. The base of river grass represents the location of the College’s main campus on the unceded, ancestral, and traditional territory of Musqueam, meaning “people of the river grass.”
In January of 2016, Musqueam gifted Langara the name snəw̓eyəɬ leləm̓ which means “house of teachings.”
The Latin phrase at the base means “knowledge is freedom".