We are excited to celebrate your incredible achievement and welcome you to our alumni family. Our on-campus receptions, called Celebrating Langarans, will follow our June 7 Virtual Convocation. Celebrating Langarans will take place from June 8–11, with reserved time slots for your convenience and safety. The safety of our graduates, guests, and staff is of utmost importance and a comprehensive plan is in place to ensure the safety of everyone.


Campus is currently closed to the public and tickets are mandatory to attend Celebrating Langarans. Graduates and guests arriving on campus without a ticket will not be able to access the reception.


Graduates and guests are required to wear masks at Celebrating Langarans. In the event that you forget your mask, a limited number of masks will be available. Mask wearing does not exempt you from maintaining the six feet (two metres) physical distancing requirement from those outside your safe bubble. For more information about masks, click here.

Physical distancing

Graduates and guests attending Celebrating Langarans are required to maintain physical distancing. Mask wearing does not exempt you from maintaining the six feet (two metres) physical distancing requirement.

Cleaning/disinfecting Celebrating Langarans Stations

Hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes will be provided at each station. All Celebrating Langarans stations will adhere to the College’s exposure control plan. Click here for more information.

Health check

Graduates and guests who have any symptoms of illness must not attend Celebrating Langarans. Please take a ThriveBC Self-Assessment before coming onto campus.

Travel advisory

The Province of British Columbia is currently under a travel advisory that will be reviewed by the Provincial Health Officer (PHO) after the May long weekend. Extensions of this order may impact travel to campus for those who live outside of the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley. The College is monitoring the PHO’s safety orders and will update students and guests if changes occur.