
What is a Club?

A club is a student-led organization at Langara College with a minimum of 10 student members, united by a shared interest or activity. Clubs provide a platform for students to connect, collaborate, and pursue common goals.

Want to Start a New Club at Langara?

Langara College is home to a vibrant community of student clubs that enhance campus life. Can’t find a club that matches your interests? Why not create your own?

Student club recognition and approval are overseen by Student Life. Official recognition is required to access college facilities, resources, and support, as well as to gain official Langara student club status.

To start a recognized club, students must complete the application package and agree to all College expectations and policies. Applications are subject to approval by the Langara Club Review Committee.

Download the Club Application Package here.

Note: The application package provides additional details to supplement the online application form. Be sure to review the package before submitting your application, and then complete the online application form.


Benefits of Establishing a Student Club

  • Free Facility Bookings: Club executives can book College facilities at no charge for student-run, student-led activities.
  • Promotional Support: Clubs receive assistance in promoting their activities through the College website, social media, posters, and publications.
  • Participation in Clubs Day: Clubs can showcase their initiatives and recruit members during Clubs Day, held at the start of the fall and spring semesters.
  • Locker Access: Clubs are provided with an assigned locker to store club materials.

Club Application Timeline

New and renewal applications are accepted in the Fall and Spring semesters. Please see the semester-specific deadlines listed below.

  • September 5 – Fall Applications Open (New and Renewal)
  • September 30 – Fall Applications Close

Note: Applications will only be processed after all required documentation and member confirmations have been submitted.

  • January 1 – Spring Applications Open (New and Renewal)
  • January 31 – Spring Applications Close

Note: Applications will be processed once all required documentation and member confirmations have been submitted.

Club Eligibility Requirements

  • Clubs Must Be Unique: The proposed club must not already exist at Langara. Clubs with similar missions or purposes will not be approved.
  • Minimum Membership Requirement: A minimum of ten (10) current Langara students, who are registered and attending classes during each semester of participation, is required to start a club.
  • Club Executives: Of the 10 members, three (3) must serve as designated club executives: President, Vice President, and Treasurer. Club executives must be enrolled in full-time classes or the equivalent. General club members (non-executive) must be registered in a minimum of one class.
  • Leadership Updates: A complete list of club leadership must be submitted to Student Life at the beginning of each semester to maintain eligibility. Any changes to club leadership during the semester must be reported to Student Life immediately.
  • Employee Sponsor: Each club must have a designated Employee Sponsor who agrees to support the club.
  • On-Campus, Low-Risk Activities: Club activities must take place on campus and be low-risk in nature. Off-campus activities are not permitted unless reviewed and approved in compliance with Langara's policies.
  • Annual Application Requirement: Club applications must be submitted once per academic year.

How to Start or Renew a Club

Check the Student Clubs Directory to see if a club that aligns with your interests already exists at Langara.

If not, email clubs@langara.ca with a brief description of the club you’d like to start.


  • Identify ten (10) current Langara students to start or renew a club who are registered in and attending classes each semester of participation.
  • Of the 10 members, three (3) must be your designated club executives (President, Vice President, Treasurer). These students must be enrolled in and attending at least 9 credits or the full-time equivalent.

Choose a name for the club that begins with "Langara" and ends with "club or association" in the title.



Employee Sponsors play a key role in supporting the success of student clubs. They are members of the Langara academic or student affairs community and provide valuable guidance without directing the club’s activities.

Sponsors help mentor students, develop leadership skills, and foster student-employee engagement on campus. Their role is to offer support and guidance as needed, rather than to direct the club’s operations.

Some of the ways Employee Sponsors support student success include:

  • Assisting club executives in navigating Langara's policies and procedures.
  • Ensuring club activities are low-risk and prioritize the safety and wellbeing of members.
  • Approving volunteer hours for the three executive members (President, Vice President, Treasurer, or alternate) on a monthly basis.
  • Fostering student-employee engagement and building connections on campus.
  • Offering knowledge and guidance when requested.
  • Acting as a champion and advocate for the student experience.

If a club’s activities contravene Langara's policies, Student Life will work with the Employee Sponsor to address the situation.

Prepare Your Club Application

Download the Club Application Package here.

Before completing the application, take time to consider the following:

  • Club Objectives and Operations
    • Who are you aiming to include?
    • Why is this club needed?
    • What value will this club add to the Langara College student community?

Note: The purpose and activities of the club must be lawful and comply with college regulations. The club must not duplicate the functions of an existing registered club unless there is a clear need for such duplication.

Member Endorsement

Ensure all listed Executive members (3), a minimum of seven (7) members, and the Employee Sponsor (1) email clubs@langara.ca from their MyLangara email account within one week of submission to confirm their interest and participation in activating the club.

Make sure to submit the application before the semester deadline.


The Club Review Committee will review your application within 14 business days. Please note that the timeline is subject to capacity.

Once approved by the Club Review Committee, the application will be submitted for Director approval.

Once approved by the Director, the club will be notified and become eligible to access student club benefits.