The Community Change Program (C Change) facilitates group volunteering that connects and engages Langara students with valuable community initiatives. Events are offered each semester and are aimed towards helping improve our neighbourhoods socially, environmentally, and economically.

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Plant Change – Metro Vancouver Parks

Help us keep parks beautiful and healthy for both people and the creatures that live there by planting native plants and/or helping to remove invasive plant species from the area.

Upcoming events will be listed here.


Friday, June 7, 2024
Registration is closed

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Plant Change – VanDusen Soil Sale

VanDusen Botanical Gardens promote community education, environment and health. Help us support botanical gardens in Vancouver by helping selling bags of soil.


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Feed Change – Greater Vancouver Food Bank Food Sort

Help the Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society provide services for over 26,000 people every week. Sort food, check expiry dates, meet new people, and contribute to making our community a better place to live.


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Renew Change – Langara Neighbourhood Cleanup

Help keep the Langara Neighbourhood clean by participating in this beautification project. The Langara Neighbourhood Cleanup operates in conjunction with the Keeping Vancouver Spectacular Campaign put on by the City of Vancouver.