Please see the Important Dates page for important information about course drop, refund, and withdrawal date deadlines. Students must drop courses by the published date to be eligible for refunds.

You are responsible for all courses in which you register and do not drop by the published deadlines.

Refund cheques are mailed out during the fifth week of classes.

  • Students must drop courses by the published dates (refer to Important Dates) to be eligible for refunds. No refunds are given after the drop deadlines. After the drop deadline, students must withdraw with no refund if they do not wish to remain in the course.

Please read the Registration Fee Payment and Refund Policy for further details.

Domestic Students

If you are a domestic student, refunds will be mailed to your home address we have on file. Please ensure your address is current. Refund cheques are processed during the fifth week of classes. 

A credit on your account following the fifth week of classes is issued by refund on request. You can visit the Student Accounts office to request a refund, or send an e-mail to

International Students

If you are an international student, a credit will remain in your account. You can view your account balance online through Langara's login page. The account balance may be used for the upcoming semester. For inquiries regarding a refund please contact the Student Accounts department at and provide the following information:

  • Your full name
  • Your Langara College student ID number
  • Your current mailing address and postal code
  • Your telephone number
  • The amount of refund you are requesting
  • The reason for the refund

** Refunds greater than $ 4,500.00 are subject to approval by Langara Global.

Effective Spring 2025: the $6,000 international student deposit for new international students is non-refundable unless you have a proof of study permit refusal from IRCC dated on or after the date of your application to the College (or deferred application). To request approval of a deposit refund due to this reason, please submit an International Student Deposit Approval Refund Request.

Cancelled Class or Change of Course Schedule

The College reserves the right to make changes to the Course Schedule without prior notice. On occasion, it is necessary to cancel a course or make last-minute changes to the course time, day, or instructor. In the event of a course cancellation or a time and/or day change, the College will notify any students who may be registered in the course. Refunds will be given to students registered in a cancelled class and to students who cannot take the course on the new day or at the new time. A change of course instructor is not grounds for compensation.

Note: For the most up-to-date schedule information, check the Course Schedule.

Half-semester courses (regular and online) refunds:

These courses have shorter refund periods than regular semester courses. Students must carefully check for applicable dates and deadlines.

Field Studies/Schools Program Refunds

Please check with  Registrar & Enrolment Services for details.

U-Pass Refunds and Exemptions

Refer to the U-Pass website for more information.

Outstanding Debt and NSF Payments

Late charges are applied to all overdue accounts.

A $25.00 fee will be charged for NSF cheques. Students remain responsible for any outstanding balances. If their fees are not paid by the dates indicated in the Registration Guide, interest (1.8%) and late payment fees ($10 per month) will be charged. All future financial transactions within the College must be paid by cash, money order, or certified cheque.

Students who have an outstanding debt to the College for any reason (non-payment of fees, library fines, overdue books, unreturned equipment, etc.) will not be permitted to register for courses, be assessed for application to other college programs, or receive any college credential/transcript.