Grading GPA Included in GPA Description
A+ 4.33 Y Distinguished achievement. Consistently distinguished accomplishment.
A 4.00 Y
A- 3.67 Y
B+ 3.33 Y Above average achievement. Consistent mastery.
B 3.00 Y
B- 2.67 Y
C+ 2.33 Y Satisfactory achievement. Sufficient comprehension.
C 2.00 Y
C- 1.67 Y
D 1.00 Y Below average achievement. Completed with marginal performance. College credit granted but students not normally permitted to proceed to next course.
F 0.00 Y No credit. Unsatisfactory achievement. Completion of course without demonstrating sufficient knowledge of content.
N 0.00 Y No credit. Student ceased to attend or participate in class work after the final withdrawal date, or did not write the final examination.
X - Y No credit. Duplicate course. Where subsequent attempts completed during or after Summer Semester 2009, all attempts will be included in CGPA.
X - N No credit. Duplicate course. Where subsequent attempts completed prior to Summer Semester 2009, only the most recent attempt will be included in CGPA.
@ - Y Grade information not visible due to non-payment of fees.
* - N No credit. Course taken on audit basis.
# - N Grade not available at time of printing.
S - N Satisfactory. Included for academic standing. Courses employing this grade are identified in their descriptions in the College Calendar.
SR - N No credit. Satisfactory but restricted. Student progressing. Included for academic standing. Courses employing this grade are identified in their descriptions in the College Calendar.
U - N No credit. Unsatisfactory. Included for academic standing. Courses employing this grade are identified in their descriptions in the College Calendar.
AEG - N Credit granted. Aegrotat standing.
DE - N Grade deferred. Extension granted for course completion.
NG - N No credit. Grade not available.
0 -   0 (zero) in the credit column indicates no credit in this course.
T - N Transfer credit awarded.
W - N No credit. Withdrawal.
IP - N Course in progress.
EX - N Exemption granted for required course in specific program.