The Langara Associate of Arts in Psychology is a two-year program designed to offer focus and direction to prospective psychology majors and minors. When successfully completed, the general and specific requirements will prepare students for entry into the third-year level of most university psychology programs.
Here is a guide detailing the minimum psychology courses you need to successfully complete the program. For further details, please see Program Curriculum.

Note: In order to take PSYC 2320 and PSYC 2321, students must obtain a minimum C+ in both PSYC 1115 and PSYC 1215. Students must also meet one of the following math prerequisites to register for PSYC 2321: a minimum "C" grade in Foundations of Mathematics 11, Pre-calculus 11, Foundations of Mathematics 12, or Pre-calculus 12; an "S" grade in MATH 1150; or a satisfactory score (053) on the statistics version of the Mathematics and Statistics Diagnostic Test (MDT).