Sep 6, 2012

From left to right: Club members Jennifer Barrett, Maggie Stewart, Kim Antifaeff (Children's Wish Foundation), Shaun Singh, Liz Steves, Jeremy Weaver, and Mario Moniz de Sa, the Assistant Department Chair of Langara’s Biology Department, who also volunteers as the Biology Club’s sponsor.
Vancouver, BC – Students in the “Evolved” Biology Club at Langara College presented a cheque for $700 to the Children’s Wish Foundation – money they raised through fundraising efforts earlier this year.
The enthusiastic students, who regularly hold bake sales among other fundraising community events, also gathered enough money in their 2012 efforts to create three annual scholarship awards of $400 each for biology students.
The students gathered at the College campus today to present a cheque for $700 to the Children’s Wish Foundation.
“It's super important for us to contribute to our community – especially to sectors of the community related to the field of biology,” said Maggie Stewart, the current president of the biology club. “Children's Wish is dedicated to helping children in need of medical assistance. We felt that this organization was fantastic to donate to because of its reputation in helping children in need.”
“It’s people in the community like this that help us ensure that every eligible child receives their most heartfelt wish,” said Fundraising Coordinator Kim Antifaeff, who received the cheque on behalf of Children’s Wish.
Students wishing to know more about the Langara Biology Club "Evolved" should contact Maggie Stewart at
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