Aug 1, 2012
August 2, 2012, Vancouver, BC - Anne Lippert, the chair of the Langara College Board of Governors, is pleased to announce the appointment of Stacey Edzerza Fox, Jeffrey J. Lowe, and Jas Sandhu to the Board by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. The appointments are effective immediately.
“The Board is pleased to welcome Ms. Edzerza Fox and Messrs. Lowe and Sandhu and is looking forward to their contribution to the Langara community,” said Ms. Lippert.
These appointments fill vacancies on the Board left by the departure of Dennis Dineen and Ross Clark, who each generously served out their maximum six-year terms. Mr. Dineen served as the Board’s vice-chair (2008-2009 and 2009-2010) and chair (2010 until the end of his term). Mr. Clark served as the chair of the Board’s Audit Committee for both the 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 fiscal years. “Throughout their terms, both Dennis and Ross provided strong leadership and service to the Board and the Langara community-at-large,” said Ms. Lippert. “Their commitment to the College will be greatly missed.”
Ms. Edzerza Fox is a member of the Tahltan Nation in northeastern BC and is a lawyer with the firm
Morgan & Associates focusing on Aboriginal law, environmental law, and
administrative law. She currently serves as a director for the Chief Joe
Mathias Aboriginal Scholarship Fund and was previously a director of
Environmental Aboriginal Guardianship Through Law and Education, a member of
the Aboriginal Steering Committee of the Minerva Foundation for BC Women, as
well as an Associate with the Environmental Law Centre Associates Program at the
University of Victoria. She holds a bachelor of arts in history from the
University of Victoria and a bachelor of laws from the University of British
Columbia. Ms. Edzerza Fox’s initial appointment is until July 31, 2015.
Mr. Lowe is a managing
partner at Richards Buell Sutton LLP, the practice leader for the firm’s Advanced
Education and Research group, and a member of the firm’s Intellectual Property
Group. He is the vice-chair of the Pacific Rim Advisory Council and sits on a
number of boards, including the Centre for Drug Research and Development. Mr.
Lowe holds a bachelor of arts from Simon Fraser University and a bachelor of laws
from the University of British Columbia. Mr. Lowe’s initial appointment is
until July 31, 2014.
Mr. Sandhu is a vice-president
with Colliers International and a member of the firm’s investment and land
divisions. Prior to joining Colliers International, he worked as a real estate
development and international trade consultant and was a member of the Prime
Minister’s Team Canada Mission. He volunteers his time with a variety of
community organizations, including the National Association of Industrial and
Office Properties (NAIOP), the Vancouver Board of Trade’s Economic Development
Committee, the Downtown Vancouver Association (DVA), The Indus Entrepreneurs
(TIE), and the Association of South Asian Professionals of BC. Mr. Sandhu’s
initial appointment is until July 31, 2015.
Langara College, located in beautiful Vancouver, BC, Canada, provides
University, Career, and Continuing Studies programs and courses to more than
23,000 students annually. The College’s expansive academic breadth and depth
allow students to choose their own educational path.
For reference
Yvonne Ohara
Manager, Communications & Marketing Services
T 604.323.5014F 604.323.5680