Mar 19, 2012

David Ross at Scholarship CeremonyJake McCallum and Noor Mann

(L) Dr. David Ross speaks at the Spring Scholarship Ceremony. (R) Scholarship winner Noorprit Mann with Men's Basketball Head Coach Jake McCallum.

Vancouver, BC – More than $50,000 in awards was distributed at Langara today during the College’s annual Spring Scholarship Ceremony.

Over 200 people, including friends, family, and staff, gathered in the College’s main campus cafeteria to watch as students were recognized for their hard work and commitment. More than 75 awards, established by donors and organizations in the College community, were given out to proud recipients.

College President Dr. David Ross was on hand to welcome everyone to the event, and to present the Langara College President’s Trust Scholarship to students Karyn Kraemer and Tobias Atkinson.

“This is an important time to come together and recognize achievement,” Dr. Ross said. “I’d like to formally congratulate the students on their hard work. You don’t get here by chance – it takes a lot of effort and a lot of long hours to be successful and to receive these awards.”

Awards were distributed recognizing a variety of talents and achievements, including: the Valerie Nielsen Dunsterville Scholarship, for the student with the highest GPA in Arts and Sciences (won by Pascale Rootham); the BC Journalists’ Legacy Scholarship, for the student who has written the best news story of the past year for Langara’s newspaper The Voice (won by Jesse Winter); and the Jennifer Wade Family Scholarship, for a final-year Studio 58 student who has been recognized by his or her peers as showing kindness and caring towards others (won by Kazz Leskard).  

Dr. Ross expressed his gratitude to the award donors for generously making the scholarships possible. “I want to recognize the folks that make this event, and our ability to recognize success, happen,” he added,” and that is the donors, and all of the folks who go out of their way to build endowments, to support scholarships, and to support the bursaries that allow our students to be recognized. If not for your support and your belief that these students should be recognized, we wouldn’t have events like this.”

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Annie Mullins
Communications Officer
Communications & Marketing Services
T 604 323 5058