Date: Nov 21, 2024 to Dec 1, 2024
Time: 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Location: Live at Studio 58

Design by Ricky Castanedo Laredo.

"I do not want to look back on my life and know I held on to any shame.”

When charismatic Anastasius Linck meets Catharina Mülhahn, it’s love, and lust, at first sight. As Catharina fights against her mother’s desire for a traditional marriage in favour of her independence, Anastasius works to conceal their identity to stay alive. As the pair passionately explore gender and sexual identities, rigid 18th century society aims to tear them apart. 

Creative Team
Director  Angelica Scwartz | Stage Manager  Rachel E. Ross | Set Design  Starlynn Chen* | Set Design Mentor  Brian G. Ball | Costume Design – Donnie Tejani | Assistant Costume Design – Najú Ururahy* | Lighting Design  Christian Ching | Sound Design  Mary Jane Coomber | Props Design  Emma Knox

*Current Production Program student 

Linck & Mülhahn was first performed at the Hampstead Theatre, London on 27 January 2023. Rights to this amateur production have been granted by Casarotto Ramsay and Associates Ltd, agents to Ruby Thomas.