General Scholarships

Langara College scholarships and awards are intended to recognize and support the outstanding achievement of our students. Scholarship and award recipients must satisfy all criteria specified by a donor, unless the donor agrees to waive those criteria.

The following are the criteria for General Scholarships:

  • be a full-time Regular Studies student in the semester for which the scholarship or award will be received;
  • currently registered in a minimum of nine credits and in a minimum of nine credits in one of the past two semesters;
  • enrolled in at least their third semester of study or in the second semester of a one-year career or vocational program;
  • must be in good standing at the College;
  • have a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or higher;
  • between students who have similar cumulative GPAs, preference is given to students who are enrolled in the greater amount of credits for the current semester and one of the past two semesters;
  • meet any additional scholarship criteria specified by a donor; these can be found under the scholarship name on our website;
  • most General Scholarships do not require applications and students are selected from the general student body based on the strength of their transcript. If applications are required, they can be obtained on the Financial Aid website or by emailing

Students with a registered disability with Accessibility Services or StudentAid BC require to be registered in a minimum of six credits instead of nine credits to be eligible for scholarships.

Part-time students enrolled in six to eight Regular Studies credits in the semester for which the scholarship or award will be received, and in at least one of the past two semesters, may receive scholarships and awards if the donor has directed a portion or all of a fund to part-time students or for Departmental Scholarships, where the department demonstrates exceptional circumstances, such as high program enrolment of part-time students.

Split enrollment students who are also enrolled at other institutions must have nine credits at Langara to meet the requirement.

Anthony & Yumy Ng Foundation Award is granted to a student under the age of 25 and who is a newcomer to Canada from Asia, having resided here for less than five years. Applicants will be first year students enrolled in any of the following programs: Diploma in Accounting, Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting or the Post-Degree Diploma in Accounting. Applicants must demonstrate financial need. (Spring, summer, or fall).

Armstrong-Lepeska Science Marketing Scholarship is awarded to students currently enrolled in any of the programs within the Faculty of Science who has a minimum CGPA of 3.5. Preference will be given to students who have completed one or more business or marketing courses. When two or more students meet the above criteria, award will be given to the student with the highest CGPA. (Spring, summer, or fall)

Arnulfo & Cristina Biason Award is awarded to students currently enrolled in a full-time course load, with a minimum CGPA of 3.0. Students must provide a reference letter that testifies to their leadership and positive impacts on their community to be considered. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate leadership and positive impacts within the Indigenous, LGBTQ+, or Youth in Care community. (Spring, summer, or fall)

Beyond the Classroom Award was created to allow students to grow personally and professionally while increasing their value as local and global citizens. Awards will be determined through an application process administered by the Student Engagement department and include: student led initiatives such as topic specific public forums and fundraising campaigns; auxiliary costs from Langara/C.A.R.E. Global Travel Award; travel costs from representing Langara at student forums, conferences, or award ceremonies; additional training or certification that fulfills the requirements needed for assorted volunteer opportunities. Students must be enrolled in a minimum of two courses per term through the regular studies division and no minimum GPA required. (Spring, summer, or fall)

Bliss Murray Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a Canadian citizen student in any Langara program who is active in community affairs, volunteers, and has achieved a minimum GPA of 3.5. The recipient must also demonstrate financial need. An application is required. (Spring)

Chartwells Awards of Excellence are awarded to students enrolled in a degree, diploma, university transfer, or associate degree program at Langara College. Chartwells funds two awards per year, one for academic excellence in a degree program, and one for academic excellence in a career or associate degree program. To be eligible, degree students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 and must have completed at least 90 credits towards a degree. Diploma, University Transfer, and Associate Degree students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 and have completed at least 30 credits towards a credential. NOTE: Bachelor of Science in Nursing students are not eligible for this award as Chartwells has set up a specific award for BSN students. (Spring/Fall)

CHMB-AM 1320 Scholarship is awarded to a student enrolled in any program of study who demonstrates academic excellence and promotes international understanding among people of the community. An application is required. (Spring)

Dora M.Ross Endowed Scholarship is awarded to a single parent student who is enrolled full-time at Langara College and who has completed at least one semester as a full-time student in their last two semesters of attendance. A minimum GPA of 3.0 in their most recent semester is required. An application is required. (Fall)

Eduventure Award is awarded to a full-time student enrolled in one of the following departments: Bioinformatics, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Math and Statistics, Physics, or Engineering. The recipient must have demonstrated the most academic improvements over the previous two terms and have a minimum CGPA of 3.0. The recipient must also be able to demonstrate financial need. An application is required and students will be required to submit a one-page (or less) letter outlining how they meet the above criteria. (Spring, summer, or fall)

Enterprise Rent-A-Car Scholarship is awarded to a student who has demonstrated volunteerism with preference given to those with an interest in environmental causes. The recipient must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. An application is required. (Spring)

Herma Neyndorff Legacy Fund is awarded to students who are enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Diploma in Gerontology, or Social Service Worker (Gerontology) Certificate. Applicants must show academic achievement over the previous term and demonstrate financial need. (Spring, summer, or fall)

Hindu Cultural Society & Community Centre of BC Scholarship is for students enrolled in their final year at Langara College with a high academic standing (minimum "B"), who have demonstrated good citizenship and community service, with a significant contribution toward enhancing cross-cultural harmony and communication in the Langara student body. An application is required.(Spring)

Jade Volunteering Excellence Award is awarded to regular studies full-time student who is a VOLT program registrant. The recipient must show extensive and exemplary on-campus contribution in volunteering and leadership. Volunteering must be without compensation or part of a program of study. Preference is given to those who are currently registered in 9 credits, however this scholarship may be awarded to a student who is not currently enrolled if they were enrolled in 9 credits in the immediate past term. (Spring/Fall)

J. J. Denholm Awards are awarded to a high achiever graduating from a second-year Arts and Science program, and to a high achiever graduating from a two-year Career Program. (Spring)

Langara Alumni Association Leadership Award is awarded to a student who demonstrates leadership abilities. Students must be in at least 9 credits in the current semester as well as 9 credits in one of the last two semesters. Recipients must demonstrate school and community involvement in extracurricular activities as well as leadership performance. Academic achievement is also considered. An application is required. (Spring)

Langara Faculty Association Scholarships The Langara Faculty Association provides three scholarships recognizing academic excellence in each semester to students in the following three categories: Arts, Science, and Career Programs. (Spring, summer, or fall)

Langara Faculty Excellence Scholarship is awarded to a student who has completed two 15-credit terms of study with a superlative grade point average. The recipient must also show evidence of outstanding work beyond the requirements of any particular course and demonstrate progress and improvement. The recipient is expected to continue studies at Langara College or at another institution. (Summer)

Langara Financial Services Scholarship Langara Financial Services Scholarship is awarded at students from 3rd or 4th year of the Langara School of Management BBA program with a minimum GPA of 2.75. (Spring)

Langara Graduate Excellence Scholarships are awarded to the top graduates from Arts and Science and Career Programs. (Graduation Ceremony)

Langara International Education Scholarship is awarded to two international students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement. (Spring, summer, or fall)

Langara President's Trust Scholarship Two scholarships are awarded each semester. One scholarship is awarded to a student in an Arts and Science Program with the highest GPA, and the other is awarded to a student in a Career Program with the highest GPA. (Spring, summer, or fall)

Langara Part-Time Studies Scholarships are awarded to two students who are in any regular program of study, but must be enrolled in six to eight credits in the current term, as well as in one of the past two terms. Recipients must also have achieved a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5. (Spring, summer, or fall)

Langara Peace Prize is awarded to a student who completes a project which best reflects good research, creativity and thoughtful consideration of some aspect of human relations among people of the world. Projects must be submitted to the Financial Aid office with a completed application form by February 15th of each year. An application is required. (Spring)

Leelah Dawson Award for Excellence and Leadership recognizes the achievements of an academically strong bachelor’s degree student who has enriched the Langara community through their contributions. The award acknowledges the importance of students who go beyond the ordinary to show their community spirit and enhance the lives of others. Applicants must be 3rd or 4th year student, minimum "B+" average (3.33 – CGPA), and demonstrated significant leadership and/or involvement in the Langara community. Requires a résumé (maximum 4 pages) and a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) outlining the accomplishments. (Fall)

Leon and Simma Holt Arts & Science Scholarship is awarded to a full-time Arts and Science student who has demonstrated outstanding academic achievement. (Spring)

Linda Holmes Baccalaureate Graduate Scholarship awarded for students completing their bachelor's degree with the highest cumulative graduating GPA and completed a minimum of 9 credits in each of the last two terms of the final year of their program. (Spring/Summer)

LSU Faculty of Arts Award is awarded to a student enrolled in the Faculty of Arts Program with the highest CGPA. Available to domestic or international Langara College students who are current members of LSU and were registered in a minimum of 9 credits in one of the past two terms. (Spring)

LSU Faculty of Science Award is awarded to a student enrolled in the Faculty of Science Program with the highest CGPA. Available to domestic or international Langara College students who are current members of LSU and were registered in a minimum of 9 credits in one of the past two terms. (Spring)

LSU Faculty of Social Sciences and Management Scholarship is awarded to a student enrolled in the Faculty of Social Science and Management with the highest CGPA. The student must have a minimum CGPA of 3.0 and demonstrate outstanding student leadership or service through volunteerism with LSU or Langara College. Available to domestic or international Langara College students who are current members of LSU and were registered in a minimum of 9 credits in one of the past two terms. An application is required. (Spring)

LSU International Student Scholarship is awarded to international students that are also members of LSU, currently registered in a minimum of 9 credits and who were registered in a minimum of 9 credits in one of the past two semesters. The student must have a minimum CGPA of 3.0 and demonstrate outstanding student leadership or service through volunteerism with LSU or Langara College. An application is required. (Spring)

LSU University-Transfer Program Student Award is awarded to University Transfer Program students that are also members of LSU, currently registered in a minimum of 9 credits and who were registered in a minimum of 9 credits in one of the past two semesters. The student must demonstrate outstanding student leadership or service through volunteerism with LSU or Langara College. An application is required. (Spring)

LSU Volunteer Leadership Award is awarded to a student who demonstrate outstanding student leadership or service through volunteerism with LSU or Langara College. Available to domestic or international Langara College students who are current members of LSU. An application is required. (Spring)

Marjorie K. Atkinson Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a Langara College student who is enrolled in at least the third term of study with a CGPA of 3.5. Evidence of volunteer work, preferably with seniors, is required. An application is required. (Spring)

Mark & Rummie Riddell Award is awarded to a single parent student, studying in either a part-time or full-time capacity. The eligible recipient must have a CGPA of 3.0 or higher, demonstrate financial need, and demonstrate an ability to enrich the lives of others through volunteering. An application is required. (Spring, summer, or fall)

Mrs. Prem Goel Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a student who has demonstrated overall excellence in the Arts and Sciences program. (Spring)

Richardson/McMenamon Scholarship is awarded on a rotating basis to students who are registered in an Arts/Science/Career program and who have achieved the highest CGPA in one of these programs. (Spring)

Shirley Joseph Memorial Scholarship is an award is for First Nations students who have successfully completed a minimum of 4 courses (12 credits) with a grade point average of 3.5 in their immediate previous semester of study. They must also be currently enrolled in at least 4 courses (12 credits). The student must demonstrate characteristics of kindness, creativity and decision-making based on relevant research, as well as a commitment to helping First Nations Peoples by their participation in First Nations activities at Langara College and/or externally. (Spring)

The International Field School Travel Award recognizes students who have completed at least 12 credits at Langara. Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or greater, document need for and interest in the award. Funding will be used to offset any registration fees or to defray travel costs. (Spring)

Thermenex Entrepreneurship Award is awarded to a student who has the best proposal to pitch a new business start-up that showcases innovation and entrepreneurship. An application is required. (Fall)

Tony & Marissa Pena Annual Award recognizes students with demonstrated financial need, in 2nd, 3rd or 4th term. Applicants must submit a reference letter from a recognized body, such as a school/school board, social service agency, or community organization outlining the students' contributions to their community. Preference will be given to those who have contributed to the Filipino community in BC or Canada. (Spring/Fall)

Tony & Marissa Pena Entrance Award is destined at new students who have shown academic excellence in their application and demonstrated financial need. Applicants must submit a reference letter from a recognized body, such as a school/school board, social service agency, or community organization outlining the students' contributions to their community. Preference will be given to those who have contributed to the Filipino community in BC or Canada. (Fall)

UWCV Women in STEM Award is awarded to a female student enrolled in a biology, chemistry, computer science, math and statistics, physics and astronomy, or engineering program. Students must demonstrate excellence in leadership, innovation, or supporting their community, and demonstrate financial need. (Spring, summer, or fall)

Valerie Nielsen Dunsterville Endowed Scholarship is awarded to a student with the highest GPA in the Arts and Science program. (Spring)

Xerox Canada Arts & Science Scholarship is awarded annually to the full-time Arts and Science student with the highest CGPA (not less than 3.5). (Spring)

Y.P. Heung Foundation Post-Secondary Awards are awarded each semester to domestic students enrolled full-time in either their first or second year of the two-year Associate of Arts Degree program or the Associate of Science Degree program. Applicants must be able to demonstrate financial need. (Spring, summer, or fall)