Department Scholarships
Langara College scholarships and awards are intended to recognize and support the outstanding achievement of our students. Scholarship and award recipients must satisfy all criteria specified by a donor, unless the donor agrees to waive those criteria.
The following are the criteria for departmental scholarships:
- be a full-time Regular Studies student in the semester for which the scholarship or award will be received;
- currently registered in a minimum of nine credits and in a minimum of nine credits in one of the past two semesters;
- enrolled in at least their second semester of study;
- must be in good standing at the College;
- have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00;
- meet any additional scholarship criteria specified by a donor; these can be found under the scholarship name on our website;
- most departmental scholarships do not require applications and students are selected by recommendation by program faculty when they meet the specific scholarship criteria. If applications are required, please check with the specific department chair of the program.
Students with a registered disability with Accessibility Services or StudentAid BC require to be registered in a minimum of six credits instead of nine credits to be eligible for scholarships.
Part-time students enrolled in six to eight Regular Studies credits in the semester for which the scholarship or award will be received, and in at least one of the past two semesters, may receive scholarships and awards if the donor has directed a portion or all of a fund to part-time students or for departmental scholarships, where the department demonstrates exceptional circumstances, such as high program enrolment of part-time students.
Split enrollment students who are also enrolled at other institutions must have nine credits at Langara to meet the requirement.
Art History
Buis, Kristiansen, Ruscheinsky Scholarship is awarded to a student enrolled part-time or full-time in any program, and who has taken a minimum of three art history courses in the year prior to receiving the award. The eligible candidate will have the highest CGPA in the three art history courses. If a candidate has taken more than three art history courses, selection will be based on their highest three grades. (Spring, summer, or fall)
Excellence in Art History Scholarship is awarded to a current or graduate student who has completed a Certificate in Art History within the past three semesters. The eligible candidate will have the highest CGPA amongst those who demonstrate an interest in pursuing an art history degree. Recipients are only eligible to receive the award once. A departmental application is required. (Spring, summer, or fall)
Canadian Studies
Tom Robertson Memorial Scholarship recognizes a student who has successfully completed at least two of CNST 1110, 1120, 1130, 1140, or 1150 and at least two other Canadian studies program courses. Grade point average will be considered. Student must demonstrate a sustained interest and curiosity in Canadian studies and the intention to pursue further study in Canadian studies. (Fall)
Classical Studies
Malcolm McGregor Memorial Scholarships are awarded to recognize students with academic excellence in the classical studies program.
- Award I: Awarded to a student who is enrolled in at least the third term of the classical studies program at Langara College and has completed four courses in the program. The recipient must be enrolled in or have completed CLST 1110 and 1120. The recipient must also be enrolled in or have completed two of the following courses: GREK 1115, 1215, HIST 2210, 2211, LATN 1115, or 1117. (Fall)
- Award II: Awarded to a student who has shown academic excellence and completed all the requirements for the Diploma in Arts and Science (Classical Studies) or the Associate of Arts Degree in Classical Studies. Students must have completed requirements within the past three semesters and need not be currently enrolled. (Fall)
Ted Langley Scholarship recognizes students who have completed the first term of the Diploma in Arts and Science (Classical Studies) or Associate of Arts Degree in Classical Studies at Langara College. It is awarded to a second term classical studies student. Students must have completed at least four courses (12 credit hours), including CLST 1110 or 1120, and a first-year English course. They must be enrolled in at least four courses (12 credit hours) in their second term, including CLST 1110 or 1120, and a first-year English course. A minimum grade point average of 3.33 in their most recent term is required. (Spring)
Design Formation
Active Replica Immersive Environment Scholarship is awarded to a third term student who has the highest average GPA in DSGN 1156 Experiential Design I, DSGN 1256 Experiential Design II and DSGN 2156 Experiential Design III. The recipient must have a demonstrated interest and skill in immersive experiential design. (Spring, summer, or fall)
Baker's Association of BC Scholarship is awarded to students enrolled in the third term of the design formation program who are deemed “most promising” based on their creative and academic achievement. (Fall)
Bob Neighbors Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a student who has completed the first year of the design formation program with a high level of academic achievement in graphics. The chosen recipient will be a student who freely shares their knowledge and abilities with others and supports their colleagues during their learning process. (Fall)
DA Architects Interior Design Scholarship is awarded to a student who demonstrate outstanding academic success with the highest CGPA across the interior design stream of the design formation program. (Spring)
Design Formation Graduates' Studio Scholarship recognizes a student from the design formation program who has attained a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 in first-year studio courses and has been a positive role-model and creative contributor to his/her peers. (Fall)
Design Formation Visual Presentation Award recognizes a student who is enrolled in the third term of the design formation program. The recipient must demonstrate a keen interest in the visual presentation field, and have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 in DDSN 1152 and 1252. (Fall)
Joe Average Community Service Award is given to a second-year student in good academic standing, studying in a Creative Arts program, including but not limited to Diploma in Design Formation, Diploma in Fine Arts, Diploma in Professional Photography or Diploma in Theatre Arts. Students who have completed a Certificate in Film Arts and are registered for a second Certificate in Film Arts are also eligible to apply. Applicants must have a minimum CGPA of 2.0, have completed at least 30 program credits, and be registered full-time (minimum 9 credits) in the term the award is granted as well as full-time in at least one of the previous two terms. (Spring, summer, or fall).
Molson Coors Canada Scholarship is awarded to the design formation program student who achieves the highest combined grade point average in the first year of DSGN 1151, 1152, 1153, and 1154. The recipient must also, in judgment of the faculty, demonstrate the highest level of creativity and commitment to these studios. (Fall)
Rajean C. Salmon Scholarship goes to students registered in third term of the design formation program who demonstrate the highest level of creativity, commitment, and determination to succeed in the design formation program. Student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 in the first two terms of the program. (Fall)
The Design Formation Faculty Award is awarded to a student in thind or fourth term of the program, demonstrates high degree of commitment and supports colleagues through their learning process. (Spring or fall)
The Design Formation Faculty Scholarship is awarded to a student in fourth term of the program and has the greatest increased change in GPA through terms one-three. (Spring or fall)
Xerox Canada Scholarship is awarded annually to a student enrolled in design formation, fine arts, hournalism, or publishing. The award is typically given out on a rotating basis, to a student enrolled in one of these programs. Please see below for specific criteria, depending on which department is awarding.
- Design Formation (2020): Awarded to a student who has completed two terms of the design formation program and has shown outstanding achievement and dedication to the program.
- Fine Arts (2019): Awarded to a student who has completed two terms (minimum of 15 credits per term) of the fine arts program and who has shown outstanding achievement, professionalism and dedication to the advancement of the studio arts.
- Journalism (2018): Awarded to a student enrolled in either the second year of the two year program or the second term of the one year program. The student must demonstrate outstanding achievement, leadership, excellence in writing and, in particular, investigative reporting.
- Publishing (2021): Awarded to a student, who has completed two terms of the publishing program and who has shown outstanding achievement and dedication to the program.
Albert and Nora Tolman Memorial Scholarship is awarded to students who have achieved an "A" in two first year English courses. They must be currently enrolled in a creative writing course, and demonstrate outstanding achievement. (Fall)
Bob Steele Memorial Scholarship recognizes a Langara College athletic team player who has completed at least one second year English course, preferably Canadian literature, with a minimum "C-" grade. The recipient must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0. and must also demonstrate financial need. (Spring)
Dr. Roger Holdstock Scholarship is awarded to a student who is currently enrolled in, or has completed one second-year film-related English course. The recipient must have a minimum grade of 3.0 in their completed first-year English course. (Spring, summer, or fall)
Jon Furberg Memorial Scholarship
- honours a student who has successfully completed ENGL 2223 and/or ENGL 2224 with a minimum grade point average of 3.5. (Spring)
- awarded to creative writing student who successfully completed creative writing course(s) with minimum GPA of 3.5. (Spring)
Margo Hartley Memorial Scholarship goes to a student who has completed two Langara communications courses with outstanding marks while enrolled in full-time studies. (Fall)
Tom Meikle Scholarship is awarded to recognize first-year English students at Langara College. The recipient must have the highest grades in ENGL1123. A committee of first-year English instructors will recommend the most promising student on the basis of a combination of marks, writing skills, love of literature and general enthusiasm for the study of English. (Spring)
W49 Writing Competition Awards are awarded to winners of the writing competition for W49 Magazine. First and second place prizes in the categories of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. (Fall)
Environmental Studies
Brian Grant Award is awarded to a full-time student who is currently enrolled in or has completed a minimum of six credits in environmental studies courses, and has a minimum CGPA of 3.0. The candidate must be able to demonstrate involvement in the community and the College and demonstrate initiative, innovation, and creative ideas related to one or more of the following: extended producer responsibility, industry product stewardship, recycling, upcycling, resource recovery, waste as resource, solid waste management, and/or circular economy. Additionally, applicants must also be able to demonstrate an interest in pursuing a career in one or more of the above listed areas. When two or more students meet the above criteria, preference will be given to the student with the highest CGPA. Students are only eligible to receive this award once. (Spring, summer, or fall)
Film Arts
Drummond-Davis Award for Film Arts recognizes students from the film arts program, who are currently registered full-time or part-time or are a recent graduate. Applicants must have had their film accepted for screening at a film festival outside the city of Vancouver. Students must provide a written statement to the department chair of film arts explaining how this bursary will assist their travel to attend the screening and help move their career forward. (Spring, summer, or fall)
George Bush Achievement Award recognizes an above average film arts student who is selected by a jury as “best director” of a graduation film from the “production practicum” course, FLMA 1282. (Summer)
Tamarak Filmworks Arts Award is awarded to a student for outstanding achievement in the Unlock the Vault film festival. (Summer)
Fine Arts
David Lambert Memorial Scholarships are awarded to fine arts students who demonstrate outstanding achievement. The awards are:
- Avery Huyghe/Jack Diggle Memorial Award is given to a fourth term ceramics student who is eligible for the graduating exhibition, is judged to be the most outstanding in the area of ceramics and shows the most promise. (Issued in May)
- Bill Watson Memorial Award is given to a fourth term printmaking student who is eligible for the graduating exhibition. The candidate is judged to be the most outstanding in the area of printmaking and shows the most promise. (Issued in May)
- Tommy Kakinuma Memorial Award is given to a fourth term ceramics/sculpture student who is eligible for the graduating exhibition, is judged to be the most outstanding in the area of ceramics/sculpture and shows the most promise. (Issued in May)
Langara Fine Arts Painting Award is given to a student who is currently registered in their final term of, or who recently graduated from, the Diploma in Fine Arts. The recipient would have been eligible for the Graduation Exhibition and demonstrated experimentation, risk taking, and/or challenged themselves within the discipline of painting. (Issued in May)
Langara Fine Arts Print Media Award is given to a student who is currently registered in their final term of, or who recently graduated from, the Diploma in Fine Arts. The recipient would have been eligible for the Graduation Exhibition and demonstrated experimentation, risk taking, and/or challenged themselves within the discipline of print media. (Issued in May)
Langara Fine Arts Program Award is given to a student who is currently registered in their final term of, or who recently graduated from, the Diploma in Fine Arts. The recipient would have been eligible for the Graduation Exhibition and demonstrated experimentation, risk taking, and/or challenged themselves within a variety of disciplines within fine arts. (Issued in May)
Langara Fine Arts Sculpture Award is given to a student who is currently registered in their final term of, or who recently graduated from, the Diploma in Fine Arts. The recipient would have been eligible for the Graduation Exhibition and demonstrated experimentation, risk taking, and/or challenged themselves within the discipline of sculpture. (Issued in May)
Powell Family Award is given to graduating students registered part-time or full-time in fine arts. Recipients will have demonstrated experimentation, risk taking, and/or challenging themselves, material knowledge, technique, and application of skills, and have participated within the community/studio. (Spring, summer or fall)
Scott Plear First Year Drawing Scholarship is awarded to recognize a student who has consistently demonstrated outstanding drawing in a first year drawing course. Any Langara College student (career or arts and science) who has successfully completed a first-year drawing course (either FINA 1120 - Introduction to Drawing I or FINA 1220 - Introduction to Drawing II) is eligible. (Summer)
Xerox Canada Scholarship is awarded annually to a student enrolled in design formation, fine arts, journalism, or publishing. The award is typically given out on a rotating basis, to a student enrolled in one of these programs. Please see below for specific criteria, depending on which department is awarded.
- Design Formation (2020): Awarded to a student who has completed two terms of the design formation program and has shown outstanding achievement and dedication to the program.
- Fine Arts (2019): Awarded to a student who has completed two terms (minimum of 15 credits per term) of the fine arts program and who has shown outstanding achievement, professionalism and dedication to the advancement of the studio arts.
- Journalism (2018): Awarded to a student enrolled in either the second year of the two year program or the second term of the one year program. The student must demonstrate outstanding achievement, leadership, excellence in writing and, in particular, investigative reporting.
- Publishing (2021): Awarded to a student, who has completed two terms of the publishing program and who has shown outstanding achievement and dedication to the program.
Barbara Gunn and Gary Mason Scholarship is awarded to the journalism student who has the best story or series of stories published in The Voice. (Summer)
BC Journalists' Legacy Fund recognizes a student enrolled full-time journalism program who, during the past year, has written the best news story for The Voice. Student must be enrolled in the second year of the diploma program or second term of the certificate program. The story must have demonstrated high reporting standards including initiative, originality, sounds research, factual accuracy, fairness, and superior writing. (Spring)
Gary Hynes Memorial Journalism Scholarship is awarded to a student registered full-time in the Certificate or Diploma in Journalism, with a minimum CGPA of 3.5. The recipient will have created the best lifestyle or entertainment story in the current or in one of the preceding two terms using text, multimedia, or a combination of storytelling platforms. (Spring, summer, or fall).
Jeani Read-Michael Mercer Scholarship for Journalism Students requires applicants to produce a major work of journalism suitable for publication in a newspaper, magazine, broadcast, electronic or other media outlet. (Spring)
Journalism Ethics Scholarship is awarded to a senior journalism student who demonstrates the ability to handle ethically challenging situations while working on the Journalism Department newspaper, The Voice. The decision is based on the student's “ethical conundrum” paper in the journalism ethics course and on their performance as a reporter or editor with The Voice. Student need not be currently enrolled, but must have been enrolled in the previous semester. (Summer)
Leon and Simma Holt Journalism Scholarship is awarded to a journalism program student who has demonstrated public responsibility and integrity in journalism and has a proven respect for its fundamental principles, namely accuracy, objectivity, fairness, research and honesty. (Spring)
Penny Wise Journalism Scholarships There are three scholarships:
- An entrance scholarship for female students enrolled in the Certificate in Journalism and recommended by BCYCNA and journalism faculty. (Fall)
- An award for a returning second term certificate student who has demonstrated sound researching and reporting skills and shown exceptional promise as a journalist. (Spring)
- An award for a returning third term diploma student who has demonstrated sound researching and reporting skills and has shown exceptional promise as a journalist. (Fall)
Read Mercer Entrance Award recognizes students who have a passion for writing or reporting and demonstrate a desire to enter the Journalism field of study. Recipients are pre-selected to participate in a short internship program with Megaphone Magazine and registered in one Journalism course in their first term at Langara College. (Summer or fall)
Ross Howard Ethics in Journalism Award is awarded to a student currently enrolled in the Certificate or Diploma in Journalism or have been enrolled in the Certificate or Diploma in Journalism within the last 12 months. Candidates must have completed JOUR 1128 (Fundamentals in Reporting) and JOUR 1225 (Law and Ethics in Journalism) within the last 12 months, and demonstrate strong ethics in researching, writing, and reporting across the program. Preference will be given to the student with the highest CGPA if there is more than one candidate that meets the above criteria. (Summer)
Scott Schill Memorial Scholarship is awarded to the graduating journalism student who demonstrated the highest proficiency in all subjects of the journalism program. (Spring)
Shelley Fralic Journalism Scholarship is awarded to a student registered full-time or part-time in the Diploma in Journalism. Applicants must demonstrate excellence as an editor, leadership, and mentorship to their peers. A recipient is selected based on their work in the first year of the program and can only receive the award once. (Spring, summer, or fall)
Xerox Canada Scholarship is awarded annually to a student enrolled in design formation, fine arts, journalism, or publishing. The award is typically given out on a rotating basis, to a student enrolled in one of these programs. Please see below for specific criteria, depending on which department is awarded.
- Design Formation (2020): Awarded to a student who has completed two terms of the design formation program and has shown outstanding achievement and dedication to the program.
- Fine Arts (2019): Awarded to a student who has completed two terms (minimum of 15 credits per term) of the fine arts program and who has shown outstanding achievement, professionalism and dedication to the advancement of the studio arts.
- Journalism (2018): Awarded to a student enrolled in either the second year of the two year program or the second term of the one year program. The student must demonstrate outstanding achievement, leadership, excellence in writing and, in particular, investigative reporting.
- Publishing (2021): Awarded to a student, who has completed two terms of the publishing program and who has shown outstanding achievement and dedication to the program.
Latin American Studies
Latin American Studies Scholarship is awarded to students who have completed LAMS 1100, 1101, and at least two other Latin American studies program courses. Grade point average will be considered and students must demonstrate an interest in Latin American studies and an intention to pursue further studies in the field. (Spring)
Modern Languages
French Faculty Scholarship recognizes students who have completed a minimum of one French course at Langara College. Applicants must have an overall GPA of at least 3.0 and a minimum of a "B-" average in the French course. (Spring or fall)
Gertrude Langridge Memorial Modern Language Scholarship is for students in the French program who have completed a minimum of one French course while enrolled in a full academic program. Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.5. (Spring or fall)
Jean L'Abbe Memorial Scholarship is an award for students who have demonstrated excellence in at least two French courses while enrolled in four courses. The chosen recipient must have the highest grade in the highest level of French courses, with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5. Should there be a tie, the student with the highest cumulative GPA will receive the award. (Spring)
Yayoi Shinbo Japanese Award is awarded to a part-time or full-time student who is currently enrolled in a minimum of one Japanese course and who has completed a minimum of one Japanese course in the previous semester. The recipient must have a minimum CGPA of 3.0 and be able to demonstrate financial need. Preference given to a student who expresses an interest in completing further Japanese courses. A departmental application is required. (Spring)
Professional Photography
Alvin Schafer Memorial Scholarship is awarded to the fourth term professional photography student with the highest overall cumulative GPA in the first three terms of the program. (Spring)
Bernaerdt Family Scholarship in Photography is awarded to a student enrolled in the professional photography program. The recipient will have the highest combined GPA from a minimum of nine credits in courses taken in Term One of the program and be able to demonstrate financial need. (Spring or summer)
Eero Sorila Photography Scholarship< is awarded to recognize academic excellence. It is presented to the student with the highest grade point average (no less than 3.00) after completion of the first term of the professional photography program. (Spring)
Evangelos (Angie) Apostolides Scholarship is awarded to photography students. They must have completed the second term and be enrolled in the third term of the professional photography program. Students must have achieved a minimum "B" grade in BUSM 1901 and BUSM 1902, be in the top 30% of the class, and must have shown leadership among his/her fellow students, or exhibited outstanding initiative or problem solving ability. (Spring, summer, or fall)
Gary Schwartz Photography Excellence Scholarship is awarded to graduating students from the Diploma in Professional Photography with the highest GPA in the last term of the program. (Spring)
Henry & Elaine Chen Scholarship is awarded for achievement and community/charitable leadership by a Langara College professional photography student. The recipient must be registered full time in the fourth term of the program, with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5. The recipient must also submit documentation in support of his/her participation in community or charitable activities. (Spring)
Herb Addington Memorial Rotary Scholarship is awarded to a student who has completed first year of the professional photography program and plans a career in professional photography. Students must be in the top 20% of the class and demonstrate previous or current community involvement. (Fall)
Professional Photographers of Canada BC Region Scholarship awards a professional photography program student who demonstrates financial need and academic merit. They must have completed the second term of the program with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00, and be registered in third term. (Fall)
Schiffer Memorial Prize in Photography is awarded to a student in the fourth term of the professional photography program who has a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.33 and who has shown leadership among their fellow students. (Spring)
Tomo Tanaka Technical Photography Scholarship is awarded to a student who is enrolled in at least their third term of the professional photography program, has a minimum CGPA of 3.0, and is enrolled in either a full-time or part-time capacity. The student must demonstrate the highest level of proficiency in their technical skills and problem-solving abilities. (Spring, summer, or fall).
Editors' Association of Canada/Association Canadienne Des Reviseurs, BC Branch Scholarship awarded to a publishing program student who has a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5, and has achieved an "A" grade in PUBL 1115 - Writing for Publication course. The recipient must demonstrate a strong interest in becoming an editor. (Spring)
Publishing Department Scholarship are awarded from donations from sources who receive the services of the students in the publishing techniques and technologies program for the production of a newsletter. One award is for the best newsletter design and one is for the best editing of the newsletter. Award availability depends on the availability of a donor/client for the newsletter. (Summer)
Xerox Canada Scholarship is awarded annually to a student enrolled in design formation, fine arts, journalism, or publishing. The award is typically given out on a rotating basis, to a student enrolled in one of these programs. Please see below for specific criteria, depending on which department is awarded.
- Design Formation (2020): Awarded to a student who has completed two terms of the design formation program and has shown outstanding achievement and dedication to the program.
- Fine Arts (2019): Awarded to a student who has completed two terms (minimum of 15 credits per term) of the fine arts program and who has shown outstanding achievement, professionalism and dedication to the advancement of the studio arts.
- Journalism (2018): Awarded to a student enrolled in either the second year of the two year program or the second term of the one year program. The student must demonstrate outstanding achievement, leadership, excellence in writing and, in particular, investigative reporting.
- Publishing (2021): Awarded to a student, who has completed two terms of the publishing program and who has shown outstanding achievement and dedication to the program.
Theatre Arts
Antony Holland Scholarship is for students enrolled in the second or third year of the theatre arts program at Langara College. The award goes to one or more students who demonstrate outstanding ability and dedication in the program. (Spring)
Beta Sigma Phi, Vancouver Scholarship is an award for a third or fourth term acting student or second term production student, who has demonstrated excellence in some area of the theatre arts program. The recipient must maintain their registration in the program. Students must submit a written application to the department indicating their reasons for needing scholarship assistance. (Fall)
Carol Chrisjohn Scholarship is awarded to an acting or production student in term two through six of the Theatre Arts at Studio 58 program. The student must express a passion for the art of theatre and demonstrate joy in the work. (Spring)
David Pritchard Stage Management Scholarship recognizes one student for outstanding achievement in stage management. (Spring)
David Pritchard Theatre Arts Scholarship recognizes one student for outstanding achievement in all aspects of the theatre arts program. (Spring)
Earl Klein Memorial Scholarship is for a fourth, fifth or sixth term theatre arts student who demonstrated generosity with peers and a contribution to the ensemble. The recipient must also display freedom of creative expression, interest in increasing knowledge in all aspects of theatre, commitment, determination, and financial need. (Fall)
Gertrude Langridge Memorial Theatre Arts Scholarships are awarded to students enrolled in the theatre arts program. One scholarship is awarded to a second- or third-year acting student or a second-year production student who has shown a strong and consistent contribution to the ensemble. A second scholarship is awarded to a second- or third-year acting student who demonstrates outstanding ability in some aspect of the program. Both award recipients are chosen by recommendation from the theatre arts program faculty. (Spring or fall)
Jennifer Prosser Wade Family Endowed Scholarship is for students in the final year of the theatre arts program (either the acting or production Option) who have shown the most kindness and caring towards others during their final year in theatre arts. The award was established in the belief that a lasting drama or art of any kind is all about caring and concern that touches upon what is universal rather than what is parochial, trendy or shallow. (Spring)
John F. Parker Scholarship for Theatre Arts is awarded to an acting or production student in the second or third term of the Theatre Arts at Studio 58 program who demonstrates exceptional promise. (Fall)
Lloyd Nicholson Memorial Scholarship is awarded to recognize outstanding musical achievement in Theatre Arts at Studio 58. The recipient must be a second or third-year Theatre Arts at Studio 58 student who demonstrates outstanding musical ability. (Spring)
Solo Show Awards presented by the RBC Emerging Artist Project are awarded to theatre and film arts students to assist in the purchase of props and supplies for students solo shows. No minimum CGPA is required. (Spring or fall)
Studio 58 Writing Award Studio 58 Writing Award recognizes students from the Diploma in Theatre Arts at Studio 58 who show outstanding artistic potential in writing as reflected in projects completed in second or third term writing course, plays produced in fourplay, or solo shows in development. (Spring)
The Glorian MacDewellis International Student Award recognizes international students enrolled in the Diploma in Theater Arts at Studio 58 (Production or Acting). Applicants must have successfully completed their first year of studies in the program, are in the third, fourth, fifth or sixth term, and have shown immense dedication, commitment, and growth within the program. (Spring or fall)
The Kathryn Shaw Diversity Award is awarded to a Theatre Arts at Studio 58 student who has at least completed their first term of the program. Preference is given to students who increase access and opportunities for diversity and inclusion within the program through their volunteer and/or program or class activities. Recipients will be determined by the faculty of the Theatre Arts at Studio 58 program. There is no minimum CGPA required. (Fall)
Touchstone Theatre Scholarship honours students registered in the second year of the theatre arts program who have shown exceptional progress in their work. (Fall)
Vivien Brooke-Harte Memorial Fund is awarded to a female student enrolled in Theatre Arts at Studio 58. Eligible candidates will be required to demonstrate financial need and preference will be given to students who identify as Indigenous. (Spring, summer, or fall)