Program Curriculum

Program Curriculum

The program is designed to provide students with opportunities to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to function effectively as front-line caregivers and members of the health care team in community and facility settings. Under the direction and supervision of a health care professional, graduates provide person-centred care aimed at promoting and maintaining the physical, emotional, cognitive, and social well-being of clients.

Upon completion of the program, graduates are prepared to work in any level of continuing care, including home support, adult day care, assisted living, and complex care (including special care units).

The organizing concepts of the curriculum include caring, safety, critical thinking, problem solving, decision making and professional approach to practice. These concepts are prominent in all program courses. The courses are organized in three streams: understanding and contributing to growth of self and others, understanding and contributing to health, and understanding and contributing to healing.


Total Credits: 30

Term One

Courses Credits
All of
HCAS 1100 Interpersonal Communication

Lecture Hours: 4.0 | Seminar: 0.0 | Lab: 0.0

Discontinued as of Summer Semester 2025.Interpersonal and intrapersonal skills are critical to the work of health care assistants. In this course, students focus on developing an awareness of self, as well as an awareness of others. Development of effective interpersonal communication skills that can be used in a variety of caregiving contexts will be emphasized. Students learn and practice effective communication techniques that demonstrate personal awareness, respect, and active listening skills. Students are encouraged to reflect on the impact of their own communication choices and patterns.Registration in this course is restricted to students admitted to the Certificate in Health Care Assistant.Corequisite(s): HCAS 1101, 1110, 1120, 1130, 1140, and 1220.

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HCAS 1101 Lifestyle and Choices

Lecture Hours: 2.5 | Seminar: 0.0 | Lab: 0.0

Discontinued as of Summer Semester 2025.Health is a multifaceted concept including physical, social, emotional, and spiritual dimensions. Students explore health from a holistic perspective, as well as the components of a health-enhancing lifestyle. Students reflect on their own experience of health, recognizing challenges and resources that can impact lifestyle choices. A model that students may apply in other courses to understand the multi-faceted aspects of health and healing will be introduced. Registration in this course is restricted to students admitted to the Certificate in Health Care Assistant.Corequisites: HCAS 1100, 1110, 1120, 1130, 1140, and 1220.

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HCAS 1110 Caring for Individuals Experiencing Common Health Challenges I

Lecture Hours: 4.0 | Seminar: 1.0 | Lab: 0.0

Discontinued as of Summer Semester 2025.An understanding of the human body, aging, nutrition, and health challenges is critical to the delivery of day-to-day care. Students are introduced to the normal structure and function of the human body and normal bodily changes associated with aging. Students learn about common challenges to health and healing in relation to each body system. The focus is placed on exploring person-centred practice as it relates to the common challenges to health.Registration in this course is restricted to students admitted to the Certificate in Health Care Assistant.Corequisites: HCAS 1100, 1101, 1120, 1130, 1140, and 1220.

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HCAS 1120 Concepts for Practice

Lecture Hours: 4.0 | Seminar: 1.5 | Lab: 0.0

Discontinued as of Summer Semester 2025.A theoretical framework is essential for safe and competent practice as a health care assistant. Students in this course begin to develop a theoretical framework for practice. The philosophical values and theoretical understandings that provide a foundation for safe and competent practice are introduced with a focus on the concepts of caring and person-centred care, basic human needs and human development, family, culture, and diversity as these relate to health and healing. Students will also be introduced to a problem-solving model critical to their practice.Registration in this course is restricted to students admitted to the Certificate in Health Care Assistant.Corequisites: HCAS 1100, 1101, 1110, 1130, 1140, and 1220.

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HCAS 1130 Introduction to Health Care Assistant Practice

Lecture Hours: 2.5 | Seminar: 0.0 | Lab: 0.0

Discontinued as of Summer Semester 2025.Students are introduced to the role of the health care assistant within the British Columbia health care system. They learn about the health care team and the roles and functions of health care assistants within the team. Further, students have opportunities to develop the self-reflective skills required for competent practice. Students will also be introduced to effective job finding approaches.Registration in this course is restricted to students admitted to the Certificate in Health Care Assistant.Corequisites: HCAS 1100, 1101, 1110, 1120, 1140, and 1220.

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HCAS 1140 Personal Care and Assistance I

Lecture Hours: 4.0 | Seminar: 0.0 | Lab: 1.0

Discontinued as of Summer Semester 2025.Students acquire personal care and assistance skills within the parameters of the health care assistant role. Students develop the caregiver skills necessary to maintain and promote the comfort, safety, and independence of individuals in community and facility contexts. Students are required to integrate theory from other courses as they complete the class and supervised laboratory experiences.Registration in this course is restricted to students admitted to the Certificate in Health Care Assistant.Corequisites: HCAS 1100, 1101, 1110, 1120, 1130, and 1220.

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HCAS 1220 Caring for Individuals Experiencing Cognitive or Mental Health Challenges

Lecture Hours: 4.0 | Seminar: 1.5 | Lab: 0.0

Discontinued as of Summer Semester 2025.Students integrate content from earlier courses to explore concepts and caregiving approaches that will allow them to work effectively with individuals experiencing cognitive or mental health challenges. Emphasis is placed on supporting clients with dementia, recognizing responsive behaviours, and identifying person-centred intervention strategies.Registration in this course is restricted to students admitted to the Certificate in Health Care Assistant.Corequisites: HCAS 1100, 1101, 1110, 1120, 1130, and 1140.

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18 Credits

Term Two

Courses Credits
All of
HCAS 1210 Caring for Individuals Experiencing Common Health Challenges II

Lecture Hours: 4.0 | Seminar: 1.0 | Lab: 0.0

Discontinued as of Summer Semester 2025.Students continue to explore the normal structure and function of the human body and common challenges to health and healing in relation to body systems. Students learn about person-centred practice as it relates to common health challenges, and in particular, end-of-life care.Registration in this course is restricted to students admitted to the Certificate in Health Care Assistant.Prerequisites: A minimum "C-" grade in all of the following: HCAS 1100, 1101, 1110, 1120, 1130, 1140, and 1220.Corequisites: HCAS 1240 and 1260.

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HCAS 1240 Personal Care and Assistance II

Lecture Hours: 4.0 | Seminar: 0.0 | Lab: 1.0

Discontinued as of Summer Semester 2025.Students build on the personal care and assistance skills learned and developed in previous courses. Students integrate theory from other courses into the class and supervised laboratory experieces to develop caregiver skills that maintain and promote the comfort, safety, and independence of individuals in community and facility contexts.Registration in this course is restricted to students admitted to the Certificate in Health Care Assistant.Prerequisites: A minimum "C-" grade in all of the following: HCAS 1100, 1101, 1110, 1120, 1130, 1140, and 1220.Corequisites: HCAS 1210 and 1260.

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HCAS 1260 Practice Experience

Lecture Hours: 0.0 | Seminar: 21.0 | Lab: 0.0

Discontinued as of Summer Semester 2025.Students apply knowledge and skills from all other program courses in this supervised practice experience. Students work with individuals in a multi-level or complex care setting. A portion of this clinical experience will be devoted to working with individuals with dementia. Students have the opportunity to gain expertise and confidence with the role of the health care assistant within a residential care facility. Graded S/U.Note: This course will be offered concurrently with theory classes in the second term. Students must not register for other classes on practice days. Registration in this course is restricted to students admitted to the Certificate in Health Care Assistant.Prerequisites: A minimum "C-" grade in all of the following: HCAS 1100, 1101, 1110, 1120, 1130, 1140, and 1220.Corequisites: HCAS 1210 and 1240.

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12 Credits

Program Option Notes:

Students who are unsucessful in one or more courses may be allowed an opportunity to retake the course(s) based on seat availability. Students may be required to wait one or more semesters for a seat, particularly for seats in the practice experience course.