


There's no better way to learn about the land and culture of a society than to experience it first-hand. Climb volcanoes and swim with turtles; visit the settings of novels, plays and poetry; meet local conservationists; join a local street party -  immerse yourself in spectacular scenery and vibrant communities.

ENGL 1129: Modern Novel, Poetry, and Drama (3 credits)

Study Caribbean literature from a post-colonial perspective. Pre-tour classes at Langara will introduce postcolonial perspectives and literature; then on the islands, we'll study selected novels, poetry and plays, focussing on the legacy of colonization and marginalization, the role of land and place in the formation of individual and national identity, and the assertion of a distinct language and identity in the face of neo-colonialism and cultural erosion.

  • Texts: Shakespeare's The Tempest and Aimé Césaire’s A Tempest; Jean Rhys' Wide Sargasso Sea and Marie-Elena John's Unburnable; a selection of poetry ranging from traditional sonnets and epic to Jamaican dub to lyrics from Reggae and Calypso songs (copies of poetry provided)
  • Assignments: 1 home essay, 2 in-class essays, 1 final exam
  • Pre-requisites: ENGL 1100, 1127, or 1128 or equivalent from another institution
  • Transfer: UBC English 110; SFU ENGL 101 (3) - W/B-Hum & SFU ENGL 102; UVic English 146; as well as at other BC post-secondary institutions; fulfills first-year English requirement
  • Students who already have credit for English 1129 or 1130 may receive credit for an alternate course.  Please contact Instructor Joanne Horwood at for more information.

GEOG 1195: Special Topics I - Geography of the Caribbean: Lesser Antilles (3 credits)

In this regional geographic study of the islands of Barbados, St Lucia and Dominica, learn about how the physical environment, colonial history and globalization have shaped present day lives on these islands. Course themes will include the physical environment (climate, geology and geomorphology), colonization, culture, economy and environment.

  • Readings: a reading package will be provided
  • Assignments: a midterm exam, a field notebook, participation, and a final exam
  • Pre-requisite: there is no pre-requisite for Geography 1195
  • Transfer: UBC GEOG 1st (3), SFU GEOG 1XX (3), UVIC GEOG 100 lev (1.5); as well as transfer to other BC post-secondary institutions