Feb 25, 2025
Dear faculty, staff, and students,
Last Friday, February 21, we experienced a magnitude 4.8 earthquake. In light of this event, we would like to remind everyone of the safety procedures to follow in the event of an earthquake.
The biggest dangers during an earthquake stem from:
- Falling objects (pictures, items in cupboards and on shelves, ceiling tiles and fixtures, furniture, file cabinets, and bookshelves).
- Swinging doors and broken windows.
- Fires (from broken natural gas lines or electrical short circuits).
If you are inside of a building during an earthquake:
- Stay inside.
- Remember: drop, cover, and hold on
- Take cover underneath a desk or table or against an inside wall, protecting your head and neck.
- Stay away from windows where glass can shatter and objects could fall on you.
- Do not use the elevators.
- Count to 60 before moving with caution
If you are outdoor during an earthquake:
- Stay in an open area away from trees, buildings, walls, and power lines. Do not enter the building.
- Remember drop, cover, and hold on
- Drop to your knees and cross your arms over the back of your neck for protection.
- Stay in this position until the shaking stops.
- Count to 60 before moving with caution
- In a moving vehicle, stop quickly and stay in the vehicle. Once the shaking has stopped, proceed with caution.
- Avoid bridges or ramps that may have been damaged by the quake.
- For other situations, please refer to the Government of British Columbia website.
After shaking stops:
- Be prepared to evacuate if instructed to do so. The decision to evacuate the campus will be based on the severity of the earthquake and the damage to the buildings.
- Do not use regular or cellular phones except to report serious injuries.
- If personnel are instructed to evacuate, follow the College’s evacuation procedures (see page 10).
- Assist in the building evacuation of people with disabilities (see page 12).
- Security or senior college personnel will provide instructions for immediate action by means of door-to-door alert, police-vehicle loudspeakers, fire alarms, and bull-horns.
- Do not enter any building that is deemed to be or appears unsafe.
- Leave the area if you smell gas or fumes from other chemicals.
- Be prepared for aftershocks.
- Help injured or trapped people. If able, give first aid where appropriate.
- Do not move the seriously injured unless they are in immediate danger of further injury.
- Call Security at 4444 for help.
Your safety is our top priority, so please take a moment to familiarize yourself with these procedures. For more information visit:
- Langara College Emergency Procedures
- Main campus Emergency Procedures (Earthquake – P32)
- 601 West Broadway Emergency Procedures (Earthquake – P32)
- ShakeOut BC
Do not hesitate to reach out to the Safety Security office if you have any questions.
Stay safe.