New to Langara? Follow the steps below.

  1. Activate your Computer User ID

You will need to activate your computer user ID to access our systems. Follow the instructions. This can be done from home or anywhere with a secure internet connection.

If you are having issues, please submit a ticket via the AskIT Portal or chat with a technician live at

2. Set up your account for 2-Factor Authentication (2FA)

After activating your computer user ID, you will then need to set up your account for 2FA. Please follow the instructions on our how-to guide and read our FAQs. If you are having issues setting up your 2FA, please submit a ticket or chat with a technician live at

Returning Employees:

If you are a returning employee and you remember your password, you should be able to login to the computers and O365 once your contract start date is reached. If you do not remember your password, please follow this article to reset it. 

For more information and additional support, please check the Knowledgebase or submit a ticket at