StrongerBC Future Skills Grant

StrongerBC Future Skills Grant

Notice regarding the Professional Bookkeeper Program using StrongerBC Future Skills Grant:
The grant is currently unavailable for new applicants - for more information about potential future availability, please visit WorkBC for updates. 

Existing students who have successfully used grant for the program in Fall 2024 and/or January 2025:

  • For information about the grant and program/course withdrawal policy, please visit the grant webpage.
  • For course registration in Summer 2025, please contact future skills team at or the registration office at 604-323-5322.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

What courses should I take first?

  • It's recommended that students start with courses that do not have required course prerequisites, such as ADMN 1021 (can be registered concurrently with ADMN 2001), BSAD 1029, and/or GBSC 1004. However, courses can be taken in any order as long as course prerequisites are met. Click the links below to view sample program schedules.

Sample Program Schedule (3 semesters / 1 year / 52 weeks)

How do I know if there is date conflict between the courses?

  • Generally each course has one weekly evening class on the same day every week over a specific number of weeks. As long as the courses you have chosen are not held on the same day, then there should be no conflicts. Note that asynchronous online courses do not have scheduled live classes, so they will complement all other courses. View our course schedule here.

Can I complete this program fully online?

  • It is possible to complete this program entirely online, as long as you are able to register into the individual online courses. Note that all final exams are held in-person on main campus, but those students who reside outside of Metro Vancouver area will be able to use exam proctor instead of traveling to campus. See exam proctor procedure here

If I am using the grant, do I still get four years to complete the program?

  • Students using the grant are provided up to one year / 52 weeks to complete the program.

Can I use the grant to register for selective courses without committing to the entire program?

  • Once the grant is approved for the program, the entire program cost will be deducted from your lifetime grant amount.

Does the grant cover textbook costs?

  • Yes, the grant covers the cost of textbooks purchased from Langara bookstore. Visit our bookstore page here for instructions on how to apply grant toward textbook costs.

For all other Professional Bookkeeper FAQs, visit our FAQ tab.