Coursepack Requisition Process
All custom coursepack requisitions need to be submitted to the Bookstore textbook buyers rather than to the Printshop.
All requests for custom coursepacks should be submitted to the textbook buyers at the same time as textbook requisitions are submitted.
You will need to submit the following:
Textbook Requisition Form. This is the form from the Bookstore with the course number, section number and anticipated enrollment. Please list all textbooks and supplementary course material that will be needed for the semester, as well as any coursepacks.
Coursepack Production Requisition form. This is a legal sized white sheet with coursepack production information.
Copyright – Permissions Request and Self-Tracking Form (downloadable Excel format). This is the Excel form used to report all the copyrighted material included in your coursepack.
Coursepack materials. These are all the materials required to produce your coursepack.