Priorities & Measures

Relevant, Innovative, High-Quality Programming

Programming icon

Continuous and steadfast focus on student success drives our actions. A spirit of continuous improvement, supported by well-established program reviews, ensures the high quality of Langara’s academic and continuing studies programs. Programs provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to contribute to our economy and community, and students can access the courses they need for timely completion of their studies. Indigenous ways of knowing are woven into our programs. Our new Academic Plan provides direction for academic innovation.

  1. Create, implement, and embrace a continuous quality improvement process aligned to the curriculum life cycle.

    Number of program reviews completed each year

    Eight successfully completed program reviews each year.

    2021 Progress

    3 completed program reviews: Engineering, Physics & Astronomy, Registered Massage Therapy.

    2020 Baseline

    New program review process launched in 2019.

    2025 Target

    Eight successfully completed program reviews each year.

  2. Provide relevant and accessible programming, responsive to the needs of British Columbians.

    Current student satisfaction

    2021 Progress

    93% chart

    2020 Baseline

    95% chart

    2025 Target

    Maintain or increase.

    Student satisfaction with their ability to enrol in courses they wanted

    2021 Progress

    78% chart

    2020 Baseline

    72% chart

    2025 Target

    80% chart

    Programs that embed work integrated education experiences (WIL, Co-op) by % of FTE students enrolled to enrol in courses they wanted

    2021 Progress

    42% chart

    2020 Baseline

    42% chart

    2025 Target

    48% chart

    Number of students participating in Work-Integrated Learning each year

    2021 Progress

    364: 199 post-degree diploma, 136 Co-op, 23 flex assessment, 6 practicum.

    Note: internships coordinated by Nursing or Early Childhood Education are not included.

    2020 Baseline

    901 students participating in Work-Integrated Learning each year


    2025 Target

    Improvement on current (2020) baseline.

    The percentage of co-op employers who rate students’ performance as very good to outstanding

    2021 Progress

    82% chart (Spring) 78% chart (Summer)

    Fall 2021 evaluation in progress.

    2020 Baseline

    83% chart

    2025 Target

    85% chart
  3. Decolonize curriculum and integrate Indigenous ways of knowing and learning.

    Process in place

    Substantial progress from baseline.

    2021 Progress

    • Hired a Curriculum Consultant, Indigenization Specialist in September 2021
    • February 2021: Introduction to Indigenous Pedagogies workshop (26 participants)
    • June 2021: 4-part series, facilitated discussion for BCcampus’ Pulling Together Guide for Instructors (20 participants)
    • September 2021: Conceptualizing Wahkohtowin Through a Decolonial and Indigenized Framework workshop (18 participants)
    • October 2021: BCcampus’ Pulling Together Guide for Curriculum Developers, Part 1 (18 participants)

    2020 Baseline

    Establish baseline once Indigenization strategy is in place.

    2025 Target

    Substantial progress from baseline.