

For information about transfer credit and articulation of these courses, please visit the BC Transfer Guide.

 Currently Featured Courses

LAMS 1100: Introduction to Latin America

Latin America is a region of incredible diversity that offers an amazing lens through which to critically examine the world and how it works. In this interactive, multi-disciplinary, team-taught course, students explore the archaeology, history, politics, and economics of Latin America. Students learn about the civilizations that flourished before the arrival of the Europeans, the devastating impacts of conquest and colonization, and the epic struggles of nation building involving revolutions, military dictatorships, civil war, and peacebuilding. Students analyze the causes of problems facing the region today and learn about efforts to address them.

LAMS 1101: The Art of Social Change in Latin America

Latin Americans are masters in using the arts to bring about social and political change. In this course, students explore the myriad of creative ways in which Latin Americans use literature, music, film, visual arts, theatre, dance and other art forms to tell their stories of struggle and share their visions for a better world. Students learn to analyze the critical role the arts play in laying the foundations for citizens to become agents of change and build powerful social movements. This interactive and engaging course is taught by instructors who bring expertise from three different disciplines.

LAMS 1102: Trouble in Paradise: Latin American Perspectives on the Environment

Threats to our planet’s environment are paramount, and global solutions are pressing. Many environmental solutions seen worldwide are coming from Latin American communities who are speaking out against the environmental devastation caused by practices such as factory farming, mega-dams, and large-scale mining, logging, and drilling. In this course, students learn Latin American perspectives on the environmental problems facing the globe and look at the many solutions being implemented across the region.

LAMS 1104: Roots and Rhythms: A celebration of Latin American Arts and Culture

Arts and culture make us human and bring joy and meaning to our lives. In this course, students look at music, art, dance, film along with festivals and rituals that highlight how Latin Americans celebrate life. Students analyze the Indigenous, European and African roots of contemporary cultural expressions to reveal how these have been woven together to shape memory and identity in Latin America today. Students also acquire conceptual tools and critical thinking skills to analytically discuss topics in culture, history and society.

LAMS 1105: Lecture Series

This is a non-credit, non-fee course. It is a one-semester series of lectures on Latin American topics. For topics, dates and times contact the Coordinator of Latin American Studies: Ginette Dubé.

LAMS 2203: Legendary Lives: A Biographical History of Latin America

In this course students explore the lives and times of legendary Latin American thinkers, artists, writers, leaders, religious figures, and rebels to understand how they shaped their worlds for better or worse. Through the lens of biographies, students learn the stories behind the lives of some of Latin America’s most extraordinary historical figures. Students acquire the conceptual tools and critical thinking skills to analyze topics in history, politics, economics, sociology and culture.

LAMS 2205: Latin American Writers Resist

Latin American literature is a powerful force for social change. In this course, students compare, contrast, and analyze a variety of literature in translation from a wide range of Latin American countries, reflecting on the impact of context (the country, time period, social, cultural, political, and economic situations) on these texts. They explore how writers use literature to confront injustice related to gender, class, ethnicity, sexual orientation, environment, land ownership, indigenous struggles, migration, and asylum, and apply this to a range of global issues outside Latin America.

LAMS 2206: Voices of Latin America: Contemporary Topics in the News

People, politics and economies are more globally interconnected today than any time in human history. Students learn the historical, economic and political contexts of current events in Latin America and make connections between current events in the region and the world. Students critically analyze topics such as: global trade, debt, poverty, migration, the rights of indigenous peoples and women, racial and gender identities, political and criminal violence, the environment as well as emerging social, cultural and political movements. Students acquire media literacy skills by examining news about current events in Latin America while exposing the limitations and biases of news reporting and other forms of media.