CHIN 2213: Intermediate Chinese Reading and Writing II

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Course Format Lecture 4.0 h + Seminar 0.0 h + Lab. 0.0 h
Credits 3.0

Course Description

Discontinued as of Summer Semester 2025.

As a continuation of CHIN 2211, CHIN 2213 is designed with a holistic approach to further develop students' reading, writing, and speaking skills at an intermediate level. In CHIN 2213, students will learn another 300 commonly used Chinese words and phrases and be able to apply the grammatical concepts learned in the course in their own writing. Students will learn to read and comprehend different genres of Chinese writing. While acquiring skills to enhance their Chinese literacy level, students will learn to nurture their appreciation of the Chinese language and literature through reading prose and short stories. Students will also gain insights into socio-cultural knowledge embedded in the reading materials. Chinese films will be introduced at the same time to help develop a perspective of China in the present day.

Students must be able to use all the basic sentence patterns in modern Chinese and to read, write, and use approximately 1,400 Chinese words and phrases. Students who have not completed CHIN 2211 should consult with an instructor of Chinese before registering in this course.

Students who have completed grade three or equivalent in a Chinese-speaking country/area and/or who have completed an intermediate-level course(s) in Chinese as a second language that is more advanced than CHIN 2211 are not normally permitted to register in CHIN 2213.

Registered students deemed to be overqualified will be directed to a higher level course.

Prerequisite(s): A minimum "C-" grade in CHIN 2211 or demonstrated equivalent competency.

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