This is our waitlisting process for Continuing Studies students. If you are a University or Career Studies student, please see Regular Studies Waitlisting Information.
How do I waitlist for a course?
Registrations are accepted on a first-come first-served basis, upon full receipt of tuition fees at the time of registration. Here is our waitlist process for courses that are full:
When a course section is full, you will get an error message indicating ‘Allocated seats are full’. Select the waitlist option in the action box beside the course to waitlist, then select ‘Submit Transactions’.
When a spot becomes available, you will receive notification by email (to both myLangara email address and your "preferred" email address).
Once a waitlist offer is given, you will have 24 hours to respond by going to myLangara and either registering for the course or dropping from the waitlist.
If you receive an offer and don't respond within 24 hours, you will automatically be dropped from the waitlist.
- Two days before the start date of the course - email notifications will be stopped and you will be contacted by phone (to all contact numbers on file) if space becomes available. You have to answer your phone and accept or decline the offer immediately or the seat will be offered to the next student on the waitlist.
If you can not add yourself to the online waitlist for your course, you can also add yourself to a waitlist in person or by phone. Please call our Continuing Studies office at 604.323.5322.
Waitlisting FAQ's