Are you a sponsoring company/agency or a sponsored student receiving third-party funding and looking for information on how to register? 

To pay your fees by sponsorship, your sponsor will need to write a letter of authorization to the Continuing Studies Registration. Letters should be submitted as early as possible as courses are based on a first come, first served basis. The letter must be submitted on the sponsor's letterhead and include the following information below. 

Course Information:

  • Course Registration Number (CRN – 5 digit course code)
  • Course Name
  • Course Amount

Student’s Information: 

  • Name of Student (First & Last Name)
  • Mailing Address
  • Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
  • Phone Numbers
  • Email Address

Sponsor’s Information:

  • Company Name
  • Company Address
  • Contact Person (A company representative who we can contact and who we will be billing the invoice to directly)
  • Phone Number
  • Email
  • Fax (Optional)

Once completed, the sponsor letter can be faxed, mailed, or dropped off in person to the Continuing Studies Office at Langara College.

Langara College
Continuing Studies 
100 West 49th Ave
Vancouver, B.C, V5Y 2Z6
Tel: 604.323.5322
Fax: 604.323.5899


Please keep in mind

  • Once a sponsorship letter is received, your registration will be processed and an invoice sent to your sponsor for payment.
  • If you change courses or decide not to attend Langara College CS, you are subject to the same penalties as other students when withdrawing from courses. Failure to request course withdrawal may result in costs to the sponsor.
  • If you are approved for funding for books/supplies, it’s your responsibility to pick up your textbooks at the bookstore. The bookstore must also receive a separate sponsor letter for the bookstore to invoice your sponsor.
  • It is the responsibility of the sponsoring agency to communicate to the Continuing Studies Registration Office if a sponsorship has been cancelled. If this is not done, this may result in fees owed to Langara College Continuing Studies.