Click the '+' beside the course titles below to see the schedules, prices, course descriptions and other info.
To register, please call 604.323.5322.
Turn opportunities into viable business ventures. Learn to develop your own approaches, guidelines, and skills for being an entrepreneur. Topics include business idea generation, market research, marketing and sales strategies, writing proposals, financing options, human resources, and successfully operating your business after start-up. Each student will learn how to complete a business plan as part of the course content.
Explore planning, organizing, and leading. Take control and become a more efficient, effective and successful manager. Your aim is to attain organizational goals through the most productive use of your most valuable resource, your staff, at all levels of your organization. Identify your managerial strengths and discover pathways to improvement.
A knowledge of accounting is highly useful in modern business. This course is for individuals who want a brief but comprehensive introduction to up-to-date and practical accounting principles and procedures.Note: Textbook will be available for purchase at the Langara Bookstore prior to the first class.All final exams conducted on campus, in person.
Communicating effectively is vital to the success of every manager and team. Take a new look at your role as an effective communicator and learn ways to improve the overall communication process. Learn how different personality types send and receive messages. Identify communication barriers to reduce fly-bys and ensure common understanding. Gain insight into your role in communicating change.Note: Textbook materials are provided and distributed in class.
This course will focus on the importance of Indigenization, equity, diversity, and inclusion in a business environment. The course will introduce topics including entrepreneurship, ethics, social responsibility, business types, corporate responsibility, and Indigenous economic development. Students will develop relevant vocabulary and understand the fundamentals of Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (EDI).
Explore the theory and practice of managing human resources as you learn about the fundamental functions and competencies needed by HR practitioners and supervisors today. Discover the employee life cycle, from job design, recruitment, and orientation to training and career development, and discipline.
Learn accounting concepts, tools, and methods in concise and understandable terms. Students will learn basic skills such as reading financial statements, analyzing financial reports, developing and modifying revenue and expense forecasts, and identifying and monitoring critical measures of business performance. This is finance for non-financial managers.
Looking to fine-tune the knowledge and skills needed to maximize personal and professional success? Focus on management objectives and goal setting, and explore techniques for communicating expectations, giving and receiving effective feedback and engaging in coaching conversations. Look at ways to reward and recognize employees formally and informally to improve performance.Note: Textbook materials are provided and distributed in class.
This course will introduce learners to the elements of proposal and grant writing. Students will explore practical examples, resources and reference material to develop grant and proposal documents.