Course Schedule

Course Schedule

Domestic Course Registration

Semester Course Registration Status
September-December 2024 Not offered
January-April 2025 TBA

Courses are open to all prospective domestic students; no application or admission to Langara College is required. Click here to see how to register.

Personal Investment courses may be taken individually and in any order. Each course is standalone and no prior knowledge is required. Register for the entire series and get all eight courses at a discount.

Stock Market Investment courses should be taken in order (recommended). Each course will build on the topics covered in the previous course. Students must complete How to Read Financial Data (FNCL 1037) prior to Stock Market Research on the Internet (FNCL 1042). Register for the series and get all seven courses at a discount.

Real Estate Investment courses may be taken individually and in any order. Each course is standalone and no prior knowledge is required.

Course Delivery Mode

Courses may be delivered in-person or online. The course schedule below will indicate if it is in-person (Location: Main Campus) or online (Location: Online). Access to the internet and an internet-enabled device is required to participate. Online courses will use Brightspace, Langara's online course management system. Some courses may also use Zoom, a free video conferencing software, to conduct live virtual class sessions. Students are required to ensure they have their student account information and access to Brightspace prior to the beginning of the course.

Note: Future semester course schedule are released approx. one and half months before first month of the semester. E.g., course schedule for the May-August semester will be available sometime in mid-March.


Gain knowledge on the different investments available. Register for all eight courses in the series in a term and save.

CRN Duration Starts Time Instructor Cost Location

This course is not offered at this time. Please email for details.

Learn to develop a long-term investment plan. Find out your personal risk tolerance and invest stress-free. Learn how to secure and protect existing financial assets before acquiring new ones.

CRN Duration Starts Time Instructor Cost Location

This course is not offered at this time. Please email for details.

Examine the global stock markets and how each market affects your personal financial well-being. Learn how the securities industry is regulated, and how you are protected as an investor. Become a better investor by understanding the business cycle.

CRN Duration Starts Time Instructor Cost Location

This course is not offered at this time. Please email for details.

A stock investment offers you growth, income, or a combination of the two. Examine the many different types of stocks available to consumers, and the variety of places where they can be traded. As a minority owner of a publicly traded corporation, an investor must know their rights as a shareholder.

CRN Duration Starts Time Instructor Cost Location

This course is not offered at this time. Please email for details.

Bonds or fixed incomes are essential to a successful investment portfolio, and are a great investment to have when the stock market is not performing well. Find out how they are traded, and what factors affect their prices.

CRN Duration Starts Time Instructor Cost Location

This course is not offered at this time. Please email for details.

Learn about the different types of mutual funds available and what to look for before buying. Essential mutual fund strategies will be discussed, along with the importance of understanding the fee structure for mutual funds.

CRN Duration Starts Time Instructor Cost Location

This course is not offered at this time. Please email for details.

Learn about Exchange Traded Funds and how they represent the investment markets in North America and around the world. By owning an ETF, one essentially owns a group of stocks that makes up an index or a sub-index which represents the financial health of an economy. Examine the risks and rewards of investing in an ETF, how they are traded, and what constitutes a safe ETF to buy and to hold.

CRN Duration Starts Time Instructor Cost Location

This course is not offered at this time. Please email for details.

Is your investment portfolio performing well? Is your financial advisor making all the money? Learn how to use forensic accounting techniques to determine the health of your investments. A stock or mutual fund statement can reveal many facts about your investments, such as the competency of your advisor and the level of risk you are assuming.Note: Bring in your statements for analysis.

CRN Duration Starts Time Instructor Cost Location

This course is not offered at this time. Please email for details.

Revisit your personal financial plan and apply what you have learned. Look at RRSPs and financial projections, and how they can benefit your retirement planning.

CRN Duration Starts Time Instructor Cost Location

This course is not offered at this time. Please email for details.


Gain an in-depth understanding of stock market investment. Register for all seven courses in the series in a term and save.

CRN Duration Starts Time Instructor Cost Location

This course is not offered at this time. Please email for details.

Understanding stock market history will enhance your chances of being a successful investor. As stock market history repeats itself, professional traders use historical data to predict the future. Learn about North American stock markets the TSX, NYSE, and NASDAQ exchange.

CRN Duration Starts Time Instructor Cost Location

This course is not offered at this time. Please email for details.

Become serious about investing in the stock market by learning to understand the data in financial newpapers and websites. Learn how to interpret charts, graphs, and financial data at the close of the trading day. Every industry has its own unique language and phrases, so learn how to talk the talk of the stock market.

CRN Duration Starts Time Instructor Cost Location

This course is not offered at this time. Please email for details.

Have you ever wished you could invest like a billionaire? Explore the investment techniques used by some of the worlds greatest stock market investors. They all share common traits and common goals. By mimicking their investment philosophies, you can become successful at finding great stocks.

CRN Duration Starts Time Instructor Cost Location

This course is not offered at this time. Please email for details.

You may have experienced how difficult it is to buy low and sell high it sounds easy on paper, but it's harder to do in real life. Human emotions play a huge role in success or failure when one is investing in the stock market. Learn how to use market timing, contrarian investing, and market psychology to your advantage.

CRN Duration Starts Time Instructor Cost Location

This course is not offered at this time. Please email for details.

You dont have to be a rocket scientist to be able to pick winning stocks. Selecting stocks from key sectors of the economy can result in a positive return year after year. Use risk management principles to find great stocks with long-term growth potential and learn why boring stocks shouldnt be overlooked.

CRN Duration Starts Time Instructor Cost Location

This course is not offered at this time. Please email for details.

Learn to leverage the growth of low risk stocks, and how share prices can appreciate with growth in dividends. Attain the skills to be able to discover low risk stocks that will maintain a stable performance during poor economic conditions.

CRN Duration Starts Time Instructor Cost Location

This course is not offered at this time. Please email for details.

Making investment decisions on your own requires refined financial information, but today this information is widely available on the Internet. Learn how to collect information by maneuvering through financial and corporate websites. Through the power of information technology, financial data that was once only available to the brokerage industry is now at your fingertips. Prerequisites: How to Read Financial Data (FNCL 1037) and internet experience.

CRN Duration Starts Time Instructor Cost Location

This course is not offered at this time. Please email for details.


Maximize your portfolio through technical trading techniques. Register for both courses in the same term and save.

CRN Duration Starts Time Instructor Cost Location

This course is not offered at this time. Please email for details.

Maximize your stock market portfolio by following a step-by-step approach to understanding the market. Learn how to find good value equities, when to buy and sell, and how to increase your total return. This course will focus on three portfolio approaches; index investing, multiple ETFs portfolio and a traditional stock portfolio that uses fundamentals for selection and technicals for timing.

CRN Duration Starts Time Instructor Cost Location

This course is not offered at this time. Please email for details.

Maximize your portfolio by learning basic trading techniques. This course will cover system set-ups, trading psychology and discipline. Learn how to understand the business cycle, market movements and how industry sectors rotate within the economy. This course is a continuation of the Level 1 option.

CRN Duration Starts Time Instructor Cost Location

This course is not offered at this time. Please email for details.


A practical introduction to the selection and management of income-producing real estate. This includes: multi-unit rental houses, apartment buildings, condominiums, and other investment properties. Students will examine sample investments on the basis of estimated net income, market value growth, deferred maintenance, routine maintenance, tenancy agreements, tenant relations, and strata versus non-strata ownership. A strong emphasis is placed on personal investment objectives.

CRN Duration Starts Time Instructor Cost Location
50098 3 eve Tu Feb 11, 2025 1830-2130 Matt Rossington,
Margaret Wong
$189 Main Campus (Map)

Should you buy a residential condo unit as a rental property investment? What are the biggest mistakes of condo investing? What are your rights and responsibilities as an owner and a landlord in a condo complex? What are your monthly and annual expenses? How do you estimate your return on investment? This course answers these questions and more.

CRN Duration Starts Time Instructor Cost Location
50104 2 eve Tu Mar 04, 2025 1830-2130 Matt Rossington,
Margaret Wong
$140 Main Campus (Map)

Learn the basics of selecting and operating a commercial property investment. Property types include: retail, office, medical, industrial, and commercial strata. Topics include: leases and leasing agents, tenant mix, tenant relations, management, budgets, and maintaining the property to maximize value and income.

CRN Duration Starts Time Instructor Cost Location
50105 2 eve Tu Mar 18, 2025 1830-2130 Matt Rossington,
Margaret Wong
$140 Main Campus (Map)