Do I need to have previous experience in Opticianry? 

Yes. This program is tailored for those who have already completed an opticianry program or needing to update their practical skills. It is a refresher course, reinforcing critical competencies necessary for professional practice. 

When is the Micro-Credential offered? 

This micro-credential is offered on a term basis. Be sure to regularly check for updates on this website. Dates and times are subject to change. Subsequent term schedules are published to the website approximately 6 weeks prior to the term start. 

How long will it take me to complete the program? 

The program is composed of an asynchronous portion completed by the student on their own study time, and a practical portion in which practice and assessment take place over 2 days in-person laboratory.

Do I have to sign up for both courses to obtain the micro-credential? 

To obtain the micro-credential both courses need to be completed. 

Is there any kind of financial aid? 

Langara does not offer financial aid for this micro-credential, but the OBP is eligible for short-term skills training funding starting fall 2024. Learn more about the grant here.