
Taking the Sustainable Urban Beekeeping Program at Langara gave me the confidence to establish my own hives, something I've dreamed of my whole life. Classroom and practical sessions introduced bee-centric hive management and honey production in a clear, thoughtful way.
I especially appreciated that the instructor, Brian Cambell, brought sustainable hive practices, bee-friendly gardening, and the health of local bee and pollinator communities into the classes. He also provided a range of outside sources of information for beekeepers that are just getting started.
I really enjoyed this program. Thanks so much for developing it and getting such a great instructor!
The Sustainable Urban Beekeeping course was both exciting and informative. Relying on the instructor's wealth of knowledge, I quickly learned all about hives and colonies. I was also introduced to relevant biodiversity issues, and real world dilemmas and challenges facing apiarists everywhere. I loved the authentic experience of the hands-on field work. The course certainly served its purpose, but it also has had a great lasting effect on my lifestyle and ecological outlook. I highly recommend.