When is the start date and length of this program?
This 7-month training program will begin January 15, 2024. It will run until August 15, 2024.

Where is the program delivered?
All courses will be delivered fully online. Students will receive training in the beginning of the program to get familiar with Langara’s online learning platform Brightspace.

How many hours a week am I expected to put in for lectures and homework?
You can expect between 4 to 10 hours of in-class work and about 6-10 hours of homework per week. Please review the program schedule for more details.

How much is the books and tuition?
There is NO COST for eligible participants. Please see Eligibility to see if you meet the Eligibility criteria to participate in this program.

Who is eligible to apply for this program?
This program is open to unemployed and underemployed (including part time and seasonal workers) immigrant and visible minority women who want to update their skills or make a career change. Please see Eligibility to see if you qualify.

What is the selection process?
Applicants who meet all the eligibility requirements will be contacted to set up an interview as part of the selection process.

When is the application deadline?
Application is accepted until program is full.

I am not an immigrant woman. Can I still apply?
This program will give priority to immigrant women but you may still apply if you think you meet the eligibility requirements.
