Late Fees

Late fees are charged on overdue library materials for every day that the library is open. Late fees vary, depending on the item that is overdue.

Item Type Late Fees Maximum Fee
Reserve Books
3-hour loans $1.00 / hour $85.00
1 or 3-day loans $2.00 / day $85.00
Reserve Folders
3-hour loans $1.00 / hour $15.00
Media (DVDs, videos, CDs etc.) $2.00 / day Varies by item
All other items 0.50 / day Varies by item

Returning books: The outside book return (small metal door, left side of the southwest entrance to the L building) is open when the library is closed.



Most library items can be renewed twice, for an additional 4 weeks total. Reserve books cannot be renewed. Refer to Loan Periods for more detailed information. You cannot renew an item if someone else has placed a hold on it. You can renew materials through My Library Account by doing the following:

  • Enter your Langara e-mail and password, then click on Submit
  • Click on Checked-Out Items
  • Select one or more items by clicking in the boxes to the left of each item
  • Click on Renew Selected

You can also contact the Library at and a library staff member can renew the materials for you.



If a library book that you want is checked-out to someone else, you may place a hold on it so that you will be the next person to get it when it is returned. This will prevent the person who currently has the book out from renewing it. You cannot place a hold on Reserve items, journals, magazines, videos, DVDs, films, or any item that is currently "Available" in the catalogue.


Holds may be placed through the online Library catalogue by doing the following:

  • Search for and select the item you would like to place a hold on
  • Click on Request Item
  • A "My Library Account Login" page will come up
  • To log-in, enter your Langara ID number and password.

When your hold is ready for pick-up, an email will be sent to your MyLangara email account, so be sure to check it regularly. You can also check for a note in your Library account online. Items will be held for you at the Check-Out Desk for 5 working days after notification. Alternately, staff at the Check-Out Desk can place a hold on an item for you (just ask at the desk).

Replacement Charges

If you lose a library item, or return an item that is wet, water-damaged, mutilated, broken or significantly damaged, you will be charged a replacement fee based on the replacement cost of that item, plus a processing fee.

The replacement fee for videos will vary, but we will assess the amount based on our cost to purchase the same item. In some cases the replacment fee for a DVD or video may be very high (hundreds of dollars).